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Everything posted by Shades

  1. Shades


    i actually quite like her, but i had to stop watching the SNL performance because the dancing was too awkward
  2. that's another thing!!! would it literally kill her to give a fucking date for ANYTHING just so we can start getting excited like :rip: i just don't get her sometimes
  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting Lana to be more active in terms of providing more than just bare minimal effort for her fans, and it certainly doesn't mean she has to "sell out." No one is saying she owes us anything. It is, however, disappointing to be fans of someone who literally does almost nothing beyond just dropping the album and releasing a few subpar music videos. Yes, the music is great and lovely and at the end of the day we will all listen to it, but it quickly runs dry. Lana doesn't care for being mainstream, and I don't blame her after what she went to, nor would it suit her either. However!! Not being mainstream doesn't mean she should literally just scrape by with doing almost nothing. Lana should take advantage of being on such a large label and use their resources to craft eras that she feels comfortable with. For example, she hates singing live television -- why not record a few intimate performances of your favourite songs off the album and post them on Youtube periodically throughout the year? Just her and the band. She doesn't like extensive & exhausting promotion -- you don't want to appear on TV mopping the floor with Jimmy Fallon, fine, we get it. Why not just host a few livestreams that last more than 30 seconds so your fans can see/interact with you?? Interviews depress you & make you want to kill yourself because the questions are always dumb and passive aggressive -- why not do a Q/A with your fans where you get to pick the exact questions you want to answer? Lana seems to really like the process of actually making the album and then quickly loses interest in it almost immediately to move on to the next one. Why not document the entire album recording process, showing us how she crafts each song, talking about the history/meaning behind each one... Idk. There's lots of things she can do to make the fan experience a whole lot better + remain completely comfortable in LA going to work or the coffee shops. The fact also remains that she won't maintain her popularity/sales at this level of effort and will quickly lose the ability to even make the kind of music she really wants to. wow this ended up so long this is what happens when u go on lanaboards to distract u from midterms
  4. There's no reason to spam the thread with shit like this. We are all waiting for the album, and this just makes catching up on threads like this literal torture. Chill, please. Get a hobby. Go for a jog. Masturbate.
  5. i swear to god if this is really the demo and Emile came in and ruined the song with choking bird sounds...
  6. why are you guys so harsh on her managers, what do you expect them to do
  7. did this lady really waste the entire interview talking about dresses and red carpets
  8. Shades

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games vs West Coast
  9. Shades

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games vs Pawn Shop Blues
  10. Shades

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games vs Oh Say Can You See
  11. Shades

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs Shades of Cool
  12. Shades

    Song vs. Song

    this is what makes us girls (demo) vs Sad Girl
  13. it's likely the biochemistry would be very similar (maybe using modified chemicals such as different amino acids but with the same end functions/end goal) but there is little chance we'd look anything similar to whatever life could be there
  14. Shades

    Song vs. Song

    lmao @ Kill Kill reigning superior Kill Kill vs Trash Magic
  15. if i have to hear that fücking loon throughout an entire album, I really will not make it
  16. Shades

    Song vs. Song

    kill kill vs brooklyn baby
  17. Shades


    stop filming honey
  18. After spending a lot of time away from the record and re-listening recently, it has some very good highlights. A lot of the songs I hated before I can now appreciate. The album was just such a huge (unwanted imo) shift in sound and energy from the explosion that Ultraviolence was. I think it would have worked better after Paradise.
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