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  1. heavyhitter liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    I think this is her very essence: equal parts art and science. I think LDR as a persona/identity is meant to be someone who lives poetically, driven only by emotion and whims, makes her 'life an art', etc.
    But the reality is she would not be where she is if she were just a wide-eyed innocent, dreaming about life from her window sill all day, or being led around by boys. Lizzy Grant is the shadow master and commander of the LDR concept; she dreams big but she is also a doer, the ruler of her own destiny. (Her critics who think she has no agency need to wake up —  who in pop music right now has more control of their own vision than her ?)   She is very calculating, knowing, and aware of how to give form to her dreams. It surely all starts with intuition and artistic intention and emotion, but then Science Lizzy kicks in — the one who researches, studies, analyzes, experiments w/ a hypothesis, puts in art in action. A good creative director is always equally artistic and scientific, and Lizzy herself has hinted at this in interviews. 
    I also think someone like this is naturally driven to explore esoteric and marginalized philosophy/psychology/cultural topics; I'm sure she's even aware of Crowley, Theosophy, and the like. Not sure if I buy she was in 'a cult', but the chronology specifics don't matter so much, the essence of how it shaped her does. What's exciting is that she can bring these super niche topics into the warmth of the spotlight, even if she has to paint broad strokes to do so. I honestly can't think of someone else so widely known and loved that is able to pull this off in the 21st century. Maybe Grimes, but with her, it's literally the Wiki-meets-Tumblr remix version of everything. Young artists everywhere should be inspired that women like Lizzy are finding ways to make the outre and strange palatable.
  2. heavyhitter liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Reoccurrence in Lana's melodies and structures?   
    She seems preoccupied by repetition, rituals, iconography. It feels almost religious. I believe she truly is a visual thinker, and tries to use her words to paint the obsessive scenery she loves. I like how she talks about how words sound; their universally understood meaning or context isn't so important to her, which I think gets her in trouble with more linear types (journalists) in interviews, etc. The title Ultraviolence is a good example. She knows its pop cultural history, but she bends the word itself to her own will. It's all how it makes her feel, and how she can use word and motifs as tools to create new meanings. For her, language is an intuitive art like everything else.
    Red dress. Blood red jam. Red lipstick. Red nail polish. Red, white, blue. Blue dark. Blue jeans. Blue hands. Blue mascara. Boy blue. Swayin'. Swingin'. Driving fast, 'bout 99, in cars with boys, alone. The list goes on.
    I enjoy how sensory-oriented her lyrics are, but I get the sense she does this knowing that concrete words can hold a lot of abstract power, not because she literally only thinks about things in terms of their color etc. I get the sense she approaches melody-writing similarly; she's fine recycling her own motifs because it reinstates the ritualistic nature of her music. That said, I am hungry for new metaphors and themes from her. I'm sure the music she makes in her 30s will reveal a whole new part of her mind and soul.
  3. heavyhitter liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in LDR: "I always want to experiment" (Interview with dpa)   
    I think Lana is spiritually sensitive. She is probably a medium. I am an universalist spiritist and sorta get some pretty highly spiritual vibes from her like she is constantly channeling stuff.
  4. heavyhitter liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in LDR: "I always want to experiment" (Interview with dpa)   
    i'm telling you this bitch feels nothing but undercurrents of abstract emotion every now and then, and everything else is ruled by her head 
    i think there has to be some kind of inverse relationship with emotionality and incisive eloquence in communication. she's so good at articulating herself, but most of that is an intellectual process. i think she's confusing because there's such a vast disconnect between what she feels and what she thinks, whereas with most people, the two processes are more intertwined (rather than paradoxical) 
    a lot of elements probably factor into the outcome of the interview too. how her day is going, the vibe of the interviewer, whether she feels more emotional or more numb, etc on that particular day. maybe her connection with god is more spiritual (abstract) but detached (mentally); and on this particular day she decided to share her more rational perspective on the matter? who knows with her bipolar ass 
  5. heavyhitter liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Hum that's kinda sad but at least it's for the best I guess. Just don't want Lana to fall for that pretentious arty pedophile aka James Dean Franco tbh.
    (And now Barrie's dick is free    )
  6. heavyhitter liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana answers Frances Bean Cobain   
    Even though Frances was right, calling Lana out publicly on twitter wasn't the way to go. By doing that she literally brought in thousands of people whose business this whole thing wasn't. She should have dmed her or asked Courtney to get a hold of her so they could hash it out privately. However, I do think Lana handled it well. I just can't stress enough how frustrating it is that it was done in that manner. It made them look like 6th graders tbh
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