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Chorli Xbox

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Everything posted by Chorli Xbox

  1. Just imagine if they produced Cinnamon Girl with the detail and layers that Groupie Lover or Ride has
  2. Even though I can appreciate the simplistic production of NFR more right now, I do hope her next album will have some major and great production again, like BTD or Honeymoon
  3. Okay it's definitely a grower. I couldn't stand Bartender but now I think it's low-key very magical
  4. I am Lana Del Fucking Rey, giving a concert while being in the showering, so y'all better get on my level
  5. I know and I love spilling some hot tea, but I'm just informing everyone bc I don't want people do get warned <3
  6. Guys be careful with talking about non direct Lana/NFR stuff, got a warning bc of that. EDIT; Regarding the Win conspiracies etc
  7. Friendly request for giant Lana to help me out too when the 129483828th guy cheats on me again
  8. From what I hear the chord differs with one note and that's probably the exact note Lana sings, so that's why it becomes noticeable Am I the only one who's OCD is kicking in when seeing the capitalization of the whole album? Like, why is the title track on Spotify "Norman fucking Rockwell" and not "Norman Fucking Rockwell" like the actual album title etc AARRGGHHHH
  9. If you listen carefully, both chords are different tho. The chord Jack plays before the first chorus and the chord before the second chorus differ, so I guess that's why she sang a different note
  10. For some people in this thread; https://www.amplifon.com/uk/online-hearing-test
  11. I've downloaded the Honeymoon leak (we all remember that shitty speaker leak from UO) and it didn't impact my opinion of Honeymoon either.
  12. The graphic design is really bad though but I do like the actual witchy type AHS Coven picture
  13. I'm from The Netherlands. Bol.com would never post something fake. BUT, it could be a mistake? But that seems unlikely to me, never happens tbh
  14. Does anyone know a website I can purchase the NFR vinyl (colored), that ships to The Netherlands? So the blue or the purple one? Maybe a German store that's ships to NL as well?
  15. Why is Doin' Time supposedly so bad? Someone enlighten me.
  16. Already looking forward to the next album. Do you guys think it'll be one year after NFR or two?
  17. Okay i reversed the ending of Cinnamon Girl and she says something like "I want you/I got you/without you" which is played unreversed right before the beat drops into the outro. Idk if I can send the reversed ending since it isn't out yet and I don't want another warning
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