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Posts posted by anwdelrey

  1. 1 minute ago, Evergreen said:

    Take a break because you clearly don't know what are you talking about. :air2:

    You don’t feel like Lana’s been underappreciated? That’s essentially what I’m getting at.


    Like this album might not be great idk, but hearing that critics were essentially giving it a half listen kind of sucks when she’s producing/produced great music.

  2. I can’t stand her team anymore. This was clearly an attempt to ramp up hype in the UK, but it’s a market she generally does well in anyway. You know where she needs promo? The US. A market she’s been underperforming in since NFR.


    I get that Lana doesn’t do promo anymore, but it seems silly of them to lift the embargo on these reviews so early. For what reason exactly? This album clearly isn’t as palatable as NFR or Chemtrails or even BB. It’s just a lame strategy imo, but I guess it was a risk that just didn’t pan out. Ugh.

  3. 2 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:

    maybe around a 7,  i loveeee the slutty bops we have but at the same time, i feel like these songs are gonna be divisive & polarizing af

    It depends how the bops serve the album’s themes. I think the latter end of A&W only works because the first part of the song is heavy, if the first half of the album touches on v dark themes I feel like the more upbeat songs can complement that. Sort of a release after so many heavy songs.

  4. 5 minutes ago, HighbytheSea said:

    Hol up, who tf is left that hasn't listened? I haven't even listened to The Grants yet! When it dropped i had this calm just wash over me, saying I don't need to listen to it, and wait until the album. She's done her opener as a single for so many albums, but I feel this ones strength-its power. I know it's going to be overwhelming on first listen, but is that not what we want from someone like her? To have this entire project presented in full in high quality, a proper collapse, reeling from the song prior and being thrown into the next.


    It seems this album created a snippet hunt fest and what is left for everyone on release day? Just a hq version of everything heard? Could never be me, but I fully understand the fever cus this classic is coming. I am so. Fuckin. Ready. SIDE C SUPREMACY BABIES I know it I know it I know it. Paris, Texas is mine.


  5. 1 minute ago, DLT said:

    Yeah, saw you post the #'s. I just knew NFR wasn't #1. There was something in the air in 2017 though, even if less sales the energy from the release was palpable. Maybe that was just because I was on vacation when LFL came out but we had a lot more interviews mag shoots, etc etc lol. NFR release was very good too. It is always interesting how looking back you correlate album releases with different life events/times of your life. That is a side note not specific to the topic at hand though lol.

    No I feel you completely! LFL was truly an era, she definitely put effort into promoting that album and it was a super fun time to be a part of the fandom.


    NFR promo was on theme with the album, cute but she didn’t promote it hard.


    Cocc/bb was a terrible time to be a fan imo, eras filled with controversy (self inflicted at times) and bad press 😭 hoping we have a fun week lined up for Tunnel, but I doubt it.

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