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Posts posted by childofneptune

  1. so if I understand correctly she did perform basically all of the songs but y'all are dog piling on her for an incomplete setlist posted online? 💀

  2. the true masochism experience is having her be a hot mess for months then doing One absolutely good thing and running right back to her feet. why can't she be this good consistently 😭 

  3. do any of you remember that one nip tuck snippet that was going around ages ago? it's so catchy and good i feel like it's her own equivalent of vroom vroom i wanna hear the full song so bad 

  4. 5 hours ago, KimKaDAB said:

    Back to the covers topic:


    I feel like Sky's voice suits a lot of Lorde songs, also a lot of TR era Charli songs, but I would especially love to see buzzcut season and so far away

    it was so homophobic when she performed grins with Charli but never released a studio remix of it like... that would have DESTROYED tumblr back in the day

  5. I have caught myself in the past wondering what type of day job she could have, if she's not making a living from music or modelling she's certainly having to do something else to maintain herself

  6. i expected something a lot different from cobra but I'm glad we were finally able to listen to one of her old songs from soundcloud, this one has specifically been haunting me ever since sky posted it. either way, y'all be grateful for a second and stop whining so these keep coming 

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