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Posts posted by Barttender

  1. Not yet. Sao Paulo's mayor said there's no reason to cancel events because of the corona virus but he's an absolute idiot and no one should listen to him.


    Also, Lollapalooza Brasil is held at Interlagos and sadly the place it's already booked for the whole second semester of this year because of Formula One so if they postpone they'll have to find a place that's capable of holding 100k people and I'm not sure if there's one lmao

    As all other South American concerts have been canceled, I believe she will not...

  2. Wow.


    The guy looks like a normal person. Just a fan. That's it. 


    I understand the Clive and Wichita thing now.


    They were both places where Lana can meet her fans. Nothing illegal here. No stalking. It's on the guy's story




    And it seems like Sean contacted this fan out of the blue. Nothing else. So from what I see this fan did nothing illegal or wrong and Sean's just pissed because what this fan said under comments. 



    Apparently, he was unable to handle the negative comments and confronted the fan.

    But I really don't know if there's anything else...

  3. Thanks.


    How did Sean find out? Also - How did Sean find out they were at the Clive Davis party? Or in Wichita? Are they stalking Sean and Lana? Because that's creepy following them around like that. Lana always ends up getting stalked somehow.


    As I said before, the guy is a cop. Why are people trying to mess with a cop? Sweet Jesus. :facepalm:

    It looks like this guy has been a fan of Lana for a long time. He has lots of pictures and videos with her.

    He was at the show in Wichita and with the group of fans who took pictures with her at the exit of "Clive Davis". He's kind of known among fans (Has over 10,000 followers).

  4. That's going to be gone soon. Let me put them here:






    I don't see the reply from the girl arguing with Sean, just what Sean said. 


    Did Sean out of the blue contact this person? 


    What is going on?


    Why did Sean say this? 


    I need the full story.


    As far as I know, this guy is one of the fans who posted about the "racial profile" case in Lana's IG comments.

    I don't know if there's anything else...

  5. Imo that's irresponsible as hell. Many countries are cancelling mass gatherings and with good reason. 


    Doesn't mean she won't cancel, though. Miley cancelled a trip to Australia over coronavirus/travel concerns, and quite a few other artists have cancelled shows, too.


    My fiancée would travel to South America next month on business, but the company where she works postponed the trip indefinitely.

    I don't know what conditions the countries of South America are in regarding the coronavirus. But, in any case, it seems too risky to keep Lollapalooza's dates.

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