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Posts posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. 4 hours ago, Stoned Mary in the Garden said:

    Not sure if this is unpopular, but Lana is extremely dumb unless it comes to writing and creating melodies. She is so detached from normal human beings, and it shows. She sells cheap bizarre merch for so much money, plays shows with horrible vocals, and she knows she can; because people worship her. She plays every fan for a fool and we accept it because we love the music. She needs to stop performing live, stop selling hot topic quality merch, and just write and create songs. She’s taken enough money from you all. 


    3 hours ago, Stoned Mary in the Garden said:

    Imagine being grateful for a multimillionaire not trying at all. It’s been over for awhile but yeah Lana will never be LANA again. We’ll never get good vocals again. We’ll never get an album that’s truly good again. We hold on because of nostalgia. The most we have to look forward to is one or two genuinely great songs on new records. Crucify me because I’m right (not you. Just responding bc you quoted me) it’s a hard conversation no one wants to have lmao 

    Do you just like being annoying on purpose or what

  2. 12 hours ago, Carmen Del Rey said:

    she is based for calling Taylor Swift not interesting

    but I draw the line at her insulting Lana. She literally got Lana into heroin and they were high on it the entire endless summer tour (I was there). There’s also blind items about it but it’s not exactly a secret.

    maybe she’s mad Lana won’t get high with her anymore, who knows.

    girl wtf is u talking about

  3. 1 hour ago, Elle said:

    “I’m writing away, and hopefully will, have something new for you to listen to soon. Keep your eyes peeled”

    Could it finally be happening… after 6 years… new Lily music coming this year?? :trisha: 

    we need another alright still!!!

  4. 54 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    I def think she's fully dropping a 3 hour movie with all the visuals at the end of act 3

    wait theres gonna be an act 3?

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