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FLA to the Moon

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Posts posted by FLA to the Moon

  1. So I know this is giving him attention...Mark Dice is a conspiracy theorist, along the lines of Alex Jones, who gets on edge over radical issues such as politicians really being reptillians out to enslave us for all eternity  & takes the typical Obama-is-the-worst-president-of-all-time-and-has-destroyed-America stance. As you may see from these tweets below, he is bullshitting his reputation away, but Lana fans have nonetheless attacked him back by threatening to kill him and wish the ebola virus on him. And yes, he also attacked Ke$ha for trying to turn her life around for the better. I wish there were a way to convince him that Lana is smarter than most stars and that she's been through much more accusations & (what he'd call "monarch programming") than most. I have personally seen his videos prior to this incident & I used to buy into these things. Any involvement with conspiracy theories is a descent into madness though. No doubt, I'm pissed off too, & as much as he has his right to diss Lana, he should have known better. Therefore, I tweeted him about Lana's metaphysics degree & about the namecalling, respectfully telling him to leave Lana alone & focus on issues like Hamas or support Malala's quest for women's education. He lives in my city and he has a few hundred thousand Youtube views on his channel where he interviews poor people about Republican sentiments on my city's pier. These people are depressing and their quest is self-defeating. If anything, he is probably the reason why Lana hasn't come to my city, San Diego, & here is why:






  2. I TAKE THE BLAME FOR NOT HAVING MENTIONED THIS ON LANABOARDS MUCH EARLIER DESPITE KNOWING. I've been busy with summer school & doing an exercise program this entire summer.


    There are 3 massive Lana fans on Twitter whom, as far as I know, don't have a Lanaboards account. They're going to meet Lana at the Midtown Music Festival in Atlanta on September 19 & 20. But they want us to be with them in spirit by having us participate in their fan quilt. They have about 100 entries, but they need more, and soon. This is one of the most ambitious fan gifts I have ever known of & I really want everyone on Lanaboards, if they could, to read this entry & take part in something that will become so special for Lana. Here is the official explanation from these 3 massive Lana fans:


    "Dear Team Lana---LANA QUILT PROJECT:


           We (@itstaylorrr12, @emmilyymac & @jordantwerkcain) are doing a 1 of a kind project for Lana to show her how much all of us in Team Lana love & appreciate her. We are making Lana a patchwork quilt made up of patches of fabric that all have different & personal handwritten messages from people all over the world in Team Lana. One of the major goals of this project is to help Lana feel more at home & loved on the road. She often expresses the loneliness she feels while touring the world and how she likes to carry her loved ones with her on tour (i.e. her tattoos.) Once we give her the patchwork quilt, she will literally be able to wrap herself in the love & support from us. Team Lana, the people who want nothing more than to see her happy & smiling. She can carry us & our love with her wherever she goes. We know this patchwork quilt will make Lana beyond happy, & we hope that a lot of you will want to be a part of it.

          To be involved in this Lana Quilt Project, you simply have to write Lana a small note or drawing (please write in Sharpie or in dark pen) on a square piece of paper, preferably 6 inches by 6 inches since this will be the size of the patches in the quilt. Once you write Lana your note, scan it on a printer & email the scan to LanaQuiltProject@gmail.com...We will take your scan and transfer it to the quilt patches, keeping your original handwriting, so that the quilt feels authentic & personal, & so that everyone who sends in a note to this project will personally have a hand in making the quilt. It is as if you will be right there with Lana wherever she takes it. Make sure your note isn't too crowded & your writing isn't too small, b/c it has to fit on the patches of the quilt. If you can't say everything you want to say in the limited space of the quilt, You can extend your letter & we will make a compilation of longer entries that we will print out on paper & give to Lana along with the quilt. 

          Your note can be about anything you would like to tell Lana, but the focus of the quilt is supposed to be how happy Lana makes us, how she has helped us, & how we love it when she is happy, etc. so try to put something about this in your note. You're welcome to include your twitter username in the note, but the purpose of this quilt is not to get people follows, but to make Lana feel loved & appreciated on tour. The deadline for entries is July 31***.  We're planning to give Lana this quilt at the Music Midtown festival in Atlanta, Georgia,USA on September 19 & 20. We're very excited & happy to be doing this project for Lana, & cannot wait to see her reaction to all of Team Lana's kindness & love.  If you have any questions, you can email us at LanaQuiltProject@gmail.com or tweet our twitters @its_taylorrr12/@emmilyymac/@jordantwerkcain. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME & WE CAN'T WAIT TO READ ALL OF YOUR LOVELY ENTRIES."


    ***They have since been willing to extend this deadline to August due to the quilt only being partly finished. Again I feel terribly guilty for not letting everyone on Lanaboards know about this incredible project sooner enough. Let's make Lana history anyways!  

    Feel free to write your examples or post photos of what you will write on this topic. I will be retweeting & trying to let as many fans as I know of this now that I have more free time. If anybody does not have access to a printer, I will try my best to write your message down for you & go through the process. '






  3. Let's discuss ideas & fantasies we have for this tour here. 

    For example:

    -What do you think the stage will look like?

    -What visuals/videos do you think she would put on stage?

    -What kind of merch would you be willing to buy? (You can make up your own!)

    -Do you think she will still go down to meet fans/meet fans after the shows/have a meet & greet?

    -Do you think her shows will still sell out fast?

    -Do you think crazy fans will actually commit ultraviolent things at the shows?

    -Where would you want Lana to tour? 

    & any other questions you might pose and dreams you want to become reality.


    I'll start off:

    -To be honest, I don't think she'll keep the golden majestic design Lana had on her Paradise tour. I think she might keep the palm trees, but I also think she'll have walls of flowers onstage. Gone are the days of wearing flower crowns, but in its place, there are flower beds & flower kaleidoscopes. Or maybe the stage will just be plain & simple.

    -I really hope that Lana will still go down off the stage to meet her fans in the front & take selfies, sign albums, etc. As much as I'd enjoy the show, I'd be really sad if I waited hours to get barricade & then be unable to give Lana something special. I'm a bit worried that with all the crazy show reports & the still escalating fame, her management might prevent her from greeting us in her super intimate ways.

    -Because of the tone UV set in contrast to BTD, I'd hope that the fans wouldn't be so aggressive as everything I've read. Then again people have gotten into fights during "Young & Beautiful" & apparently people have grinded to "Video Games".

    -As for merch, I wish there'd be signed UV box sets that she'd give out to lucky fans, but seeing as she only did that with the PARADISE box set for select European shows, that'd be unlikely in the US. Also I could imagine Lana having photoshoots of her recent stuff plastered onto T-shirts all over.

    -Finally, I just hope that there won't be an age restriction on any of the shows. I'm almost 18, but making the shows 21+ would not only make me wait longer, it would still possibly mean that the bitchy  really drunk trouble making fans would go to the shows & I'd have to put my claws on them if they still like Lana next year or in 2016. 

  4. These are all freaking gorgeous! My faves are the 1st & 3rd ones. But all of them look realistic and accurate, even though the last one looks like it was drawn faster than the others. Great job! :gclap: :party:

    These are all freaking gorgeous! My faves are the 1st & 3rd ones. But all of them look realistic and accurate, even though the last one looks like it was drawn faster than the others. Great job! :gclap: :party:

  5. This is not just for all Lana fans who'll be going to Music Midtown, but for all Lana fans worldwide: Twitter fans/followers/users @its_taylorrr12, @emmilyymac, & @jordantwerkcain want to create a Lana quilt where each of us write brief messages, which can then be scanned,sent to them, & then put on a quilt. This is so Lana won't be overwhelmed by loneliness & can take us Lana fans wherever she goes!!! I think it's an absolutely amazing idea & one of these fans is going to post about it in full detail. Otherwise, I'll find their original tweet & post it! :D :thankyou:

  6. @@letthelightin Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure. I've looked up & down this topic recently, however, & I do recall that someone got the super deluxe box set for as low as $69 USD. I believe that the Australian version of the box set is the best deal, but it's a variation of the one off Lana's website b/c it has postcards of the photos rather than 12x12 photos, if I'm not mistaken. Shipping from Australia to the US is probably killer though. Somewhere in the middle of this topic, people were also debating that the French version was the best b/c of the "Flipside" CD.


    I personally just bought the box set off Lana's website. And I myself have a question that will surprise Lana fans: Due to the delays already mentioned on this topic, I didn't get my confirmation & shipping e-mail until last Friday and this Wednesday. I pre-ordered in late May & they told me my order isn't going to arrive at my house until July 3rd! YET I have been very patiently trying to not spoil my own UV listening experience until I get the album myself, especially as some fans listened to the entire album extra early, and some Twitter followers of mine even got their box sets before the regular version came out! Should I just listen to UV on Youtube before the hype dies down? Good things come to those who wait, but I've struggled not to listen to it until I get my copy b/c Ultraviolence is pretty much my summer soundtrack & I'm not letting anyone in my house play any other music around me once I get my box set...

  7. Are there any Lana fans in California who don't happen to live in LA or San Francisco? I really think that Lana would have a stellar time down in San Diego (which always gets overshadowed by artists on tour.) I'm even thinking of starting a new topic if there are enough San Diegan Lana fans. Gosh I may come off pretentious, but we are America's Finest City; there are tons of dedicated music lovers and artists in my hometown, and there are even more flower fields to make flower crowns from & American flags waving in the air from all the military personnel stationed in San Diego.

  8. An unpleasant surprise that this happened. I, like most people I am assuming, are not entirely familiar with jazz & soul music, although I have listened to some before (even before I listened to Lana.) XL Recordings uploaded this song at the end of my truly tough freshman year, and this song brought me back to that special place where jazz/soul/R&B/blues makes a person analyze the beauty in this world. Unfortunately, I only found out about Bobby Womack through Lana's featured vocals. In case you didn't see, I even made my location "San Dayglo Reflection" when I recently got on Lanaboards! (San Diego really.) This song is unique for me b/c Womack sampled the drums off another great underrated/favorite artist known as "Captain Beefheart" (I discovered him on my own.) Also, with no hostility intended, I'm pretty sure that the "Rays" haven't heard this masterpiece of a song, but this song is the direction I'd love to see Lana delve into.Even the visual in the video reflects Lana's passion with metaphysics. May Bobby Womack rest in (and rock n' roll in) peace!

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