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Posts posted by dollanganger

  1. 30 minutes ago, rancidgirl said:

    if that ep isnt online by the time i die im extending my life somehow cause i WILL live for empty homes leak

    i refuse to believe its fully lost somebody being greedy af :magikarp:or forgot they downloaded it

  2. 15 hours ago, Carmen Del Rey said:

    She literally got Lana into heroin and they were high on it the entire endless summer tour (I was there). There’s also blind items about it but it’s not exactly a secret.

    maybe she’s mad Lana won’t get high with her anymore, who knows.

    yes you were there with courtney and lana and when you all shot up together the whole bus clapped and a man went up to you and said oppa homeless style

  3. 45 minutes ago, The Sun Also Rises said:


    Anne is one of my all-time favourite book characters and Anne and Gilbert are one of my favourite book couples. The series is probably my go-to comfort read 

    its been a sweet little series except for some points


    me when the random animal abuse racism etc:nene:

     but idrc about their children or how anne just doesnt feel like anne anymore..and now im on rainbow valley which is almost entirely about some random guy's kids??? what is her problem

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