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Everything posted by lamms

  1. LA Who Am I To Love You (15) The Land Of 1,000 Fires (15) Violent Bent Backwards Over The Grass (14) Past The Bushes Cypress Thriving (15) Salamander (15) Never To Heaven (14) Sportcruiser (+16) Tessa Dipietro (16) Quiet Waiter Blue Forever (15) What Happened When I Left You (-14) Happy (+16) My Bedroom Is A Sacred Place Now - There Are Children At The Foot Of My Bed (15) Paradise Is Very Fragile (15) Bare Feet On Linoleum (15)
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/lanadelrey/comments/hzcl0s/i_will_now_spend_the_rest_of_my_life_camping/
  3. I love how you just suddenly pop in, whenever someone wants to break the rules lol
  4. Waited all day, now it’s bugging. I‘ll just sleep and listen to it in the morning
  5. What do you mean? Still working for me. I just went on youtube and saw that it was also posted on her chanel and didn't see it linked here.
  6. Ugh this is so cute and also very relatable (not the flying lessons, but the overall attitude)
  7. I like the songs you referenced. To me this poem screams Under the Bridge by RHCP. While the song is mostly about drug abuse, it also creates this relationship between narrator and city. 1st verse Under the Bridge:
  8. These are all so beautiful, legit making me cry. On a site note: Are those the same letters she talks about in California?
  9. Not interested in poetry usually, but the snippets from instagram and now this have me intrigued. or I'm just a sucker for her voice lol
  10. ~*changing my legal name to be able to participate again*~
  11. Lmao same thought. Lana looks like a giant comapred to the others
  12. Chinatown Neon Dream Wow that goes so well together
  13. lamms

    Instagram Updates

    We're getting quite offtopic, so this'll be the last time I reply. Privilege comes in many forms and is not only related to wealth. She will never have to face racial discrimination as other artists like Beyonce did. The protests atm are for equal rigths and against police brutality. Her going out with a cop throws her support for the BLM completely under the bus. Especially since he's known to racial profile and showed support for the acaBlueLM. Her privilege lies in doing whatever the fuck she wants to do, as a rich person and a white woman.
  14. lamms

    Instagram Updates

    Tbh you're getting with your attitude on my nerves. Her dating life doesn't effect me at all. It's just very disappointing that her words and actions (for BLM e.g) don't align with what Sean stands for. And that last paragraph: the delusion is strong with you dude. "normal job" is not being a shitty TV cop?? He screams fame hungry Also wow. Lana is priviliged af. You've got to be kidding me
  15. lamms

    Instagram Updates

    Someone on reddit compared the cars based on the windows: https://i.redd.it/318mvqty8jc51.png In the end we‘ll know what or whom Tulsa Jesus Freak is about when it releases.
  16. lamms

    Instagram Updates

    If the COCC cover has her wearing this button up I‘ll cry
  17. It feels like she wants to go the Enimen route in a way. His last two albums were surprise drops, without even one single announcement. I believe that is what she wanted to do, before something happened that led to the instagram post and throwing away any reason
  18. It's the outro of As You Are https://youtu.be/_AJwfPOMZnI?t=311
  19. It depends on the seller. Some add insurance and what not to their parcels and it drives the prices up. E.g. from Germany to US shipping a package (<2kg, no insurance) is about 10$. I'd just check the international shipping fees of their country's postal service for reference. edit: lol nvm just saw DHL only offers premium for private people, which is insanely expensive (~38$)
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