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Everything posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. …Lana will post a vegan turkey tutorial with Chuck (an announcement would be nice however)
  2. getting flashbacks to *that* quote lol but honestly I agree! At the very least, I think we’ll have a single by January/February with a record not long after (but hopefully sooner)
  3. Title: When Hell Freezes Over Genres: Witch house; lo-fi rock Description: When Hell Freezes Over is a conceptual return to the narrative of Honeymoon. Instead of exploring an almost detached lovesickness, Del Rey adamantly rejects the callousness of her world, her lovers, and herself. It is a cloying fever dream of righteous anger and candor, toying with the many caricatures of herself imposed by those consumers of her work. The tracks share some features of Dealer but with a more subtle, sometimes psychedelic presentation.
  4. Ah, thank you! I used this text-to-image AI (an app called Dream) using preexisting photos—except for the orchid—as the base! The phrase I chose was “pink orchids and supercluster galaxies” to help balance the colors and give it a spacey feel
  5. small moodboard: dark, delicate, obscured, little bursts of vibrancy, estranged, detached
  6. What about that Ian guy? Is he a potential producer? Also, I *think* there was a second acronym from (I think someone agreeing and responding to BoZ that suggested he also heard the song). That’s all I can think of, I believe!
  7. I really hope “see you soon” is a “see you in September” situation where the work is already complete With that in mind, does Weyes Blood have any more visuals to release? I’m mostly anxious to see if the Neil’s flower post is related to Lana at all
  8. Twitter! We (mostly) confirmed it was about Lana via process of elimination. After making a few comments, BoZ said that someone already guessed who it was in his replies. We basically went through the artists mentioned prior to his second tweet and saw who were potential candidates based on their release schedules, whether BoZ would be surprised to enjoy the album (his words), etc. We seemed to have narrowed it down to Rihanna and Lana, and Rihanna recently suggested a new record isn’t coming anytime soon—much less in a few “months” (according to BoZ). This is also the time where BoZ’s criticism and indifference to Lana suddenly turned into praise on ATRL We also just had Eclipse seem to indirectly confirm that BoZ is only teasing Lana via acronyms and nameless statements because of Lana’s team!
  9. Omg wait what if “BTKYN” is “but they know your name.” Lana loves drawing inspiration from and tying together themes from previous works….what if it’s a (potentially unintentional) White Mustang throwback
  10. Since it appears we’ve gotten confirmation that BoZ’s praises were likely talking about LDR9 and the acronyms he discussed with the other Twitter user were about her as well…. -The number of people that have heard LDR9 is growing, indicating a release may be sooner than we think. -The record will (in some capacity) be a departure from COCC and BB given BoZ’s heavy criticism and disinterest the two. I don’t know how LDR9 will be different (sonically, lyrically, thematically, etc.), but yeah.
  11. I don’t know if this is asking too much, but do you like the record? Or at least the version you heard? (You may not have heard it yet at all, but I’m mostly just curious if it’s a positive or negative perception.)
  12. Does anyone remember how long it’s been since BoZ randomly started praising Lana & mentioned a “masterpiece”? He said it would probably be a couple of months (iirc), and he was probably overshooting the date to be safe if it was about Lana, especially given his past comments about her releases… I feel like we have so many indications something is about to blindside us but also none, and it’s maddening
  13. I know I’m reaching now, but didn’t she also reshare or like a fan edit of Trash Magic too?
  14. omg wait this is very true….I think we won!! BoZ’s sudden praising of Lana, the new acronyms, Neil telling Lana he’ll see her soon, Ben previously saying the album is nearing completion, confirmation about a FJM collab….it’s all coming together I doubt any announcement will come this year, but I honestly think it’ll happen when we least expect it…
  15. Remember how Lana likes to end her records in a way that segue into the next? (Like, “out of the black, into the blue” -> “You make me blue” etc.) Let’s think about how Lana ended her last album… ”Closer to you than your next breath, my dear.” surprise announcement confirmed!
  16. Nikki made it to the covers record upon LDR9’s double-release where she and Lana cover the Charlie Daniels Band’s The Devil Went Down to Georgia right before Lana’s Dealer-esque cover of Jolene
  17. Lana Del Rey’s latest studio record is a stunning reflection of all her many shades—the dark, the delicate, and undeniably enigmatic. The self-titled record opens with the gorgeous Death Never Came: a powerful punctuation to the narrative paved by Born To Die and Lust For Life. “In the smog of the morning, I’d dig my own grave/Only to rise and then find/My death never came.” In the final chorus, her voice soars on the last word, bleeding into a small crying of strings and almost whimsical ambient. The record is imbued with this somberness, but it doesn’t seem to weigh the singer-songwriter down. The opening track swims into the almost sinisterly sarcastic Orchids From A Friend, a track both sonically reminiscent of the work on Portishead’s Dummy and Del Rey’s own debut record as well. She closes the record with “The Walls Whisper My Name,” leaving the listener with more questions than answers, shrouding herself in a larger-than-life sense of mystery that permeated her early works like Honeymoon. Her 9th studio record is one of her best, so brace yourself: it’s a thrilling ride from start to finish.
  18. Are there any other potential artists he’s been teasing new releases for lately? How likely is it that it’s about Lana?
  19. Maybe it’s not an acronym & Lana is submitting a song in Simlish for Sims5–we won!
  20. This is more chaotic than the Watercolor Eyes thread prior to its release i fear… manifesting a moon texture vinyl for LDR9 also
  21. Personally, a high-quality, AI-generated album cover would be a neat concept—like one that has careful input/suggestions for the final photo and is influenced by the art of retro-futurism. LFL’s visuals clearly had some inspiration from retro-futurism (like the photo below), but… I think it would be cool to see a darker perspective on this—bleaker, more apocalyptic, angry, etc. I like the idea of having synths, organs, and “spacey” orchestral pieces over reverb-heavy vocals. Because of this, I am once again manifesting a Hans Zimmer collab
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