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About taliam

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  • Birthday 06/10/1994

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    Lana, other music, performing, and design.
  1. I didn't have the best experience at the Seattle show either. I showed up probably about five hours before the show. I knew I wasn't getting front row, which I was fine with. The people in line next to me were nice, but what I didn't like was the people shoving each other to get ahead. I decided to bring my mom to the show...she's a big fan of Lana and told me a year ago that if she ever comes to Seattle, she would want to come to the show with me. We were told to sit at first, but once we were told to stand, people were running, and my mom was almost trampled over while trying to get up. She ended up getting a migraine in the pit and moved to the bleachers. I thought I could make it, but I was already sweating, and was being constantly pushed around. I ended up just going to the bleachers. Yeah, it was 5 hours for nothing..but oh well. I'd wait all day to see Lana. I ended up really enjoying the show though. I was able to enjoy the music, and it was well worth the 2-year wait to see her live, but I just hated the pit. I do agree that her shows should either be 18+ or she needs to start doing more shows with assigned seating. She's so popular now and some of the fans get too crazy Also, we went to the medic to get some advil for my mom, and there was this girl who was drunk out of her mind there...flower crown and all...and she looked about 14. Some of the teenagers were obviously too immature to handle a show like Lana's and had no business being there. I love Lana and I would love to see her perform again. I would just hope that in the future, her shows have an age limit or assigned seating.
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