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Posts posted by essiductonto

  1. It just occurred to me that the interviewer mentions bob dylan several times in his write-up and I think he's implicitly trying to compare her to him (kind of a notorious asshole, bordering on insanity in his 2012 interview with rolling stone http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/bob-dylan-unleashed-a-wild-ride-on-his-new-lp-and-striking-back-at-critics-20120927.) I don't know if she's fucking with them on purpose like he did, but either way I just don't see it as that big a deal that she says obnoxious things - I think people on the internet are inclined to hate her no matter what she says, and nothing she's ever said has really been that bad

  2. There's a strong division between her identity as an artist and that as a person though. In that rolling stone interview she clarified her remark that she doesn't feel any responsibility towards others as an artist by saying that she does feel a sense of responsibility as a citizen and a human being. So if you're talking about her as an artist maybe you have a point but I also wouldn't go so far as to claim that an ethos of "extreme selfishness" pervades her entire personality because it doesn't seem to.

  3. I think she has a right to be angry that interviewers and journalists talk more about her personal life than her music. A lot of it has to do with the fact that her being a woman makes the media more inclined to view her as a "celebrity" than a "musician." She doesn't display the greatest amount of emotional maturity in handling how shitty and sexist the media is, but I don't think it reflects that poorly on her.

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