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Mash Tragic

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Posts posted by Mash Tragic

  1. Obviously not cool at all to post a fake tracklist but the way it was so believable is both sad and hilarious. 


    The fact it didn't surprise anyone says a lot more about her than her fans imo, like the bar has been so fucking low for so many years we're now always expecting a shitshow, even when she tries/gives her best. Ngl it's kinda pitiful at this point...

  2. :stage: Quickly creeping out of the shadows: I just read a quote by Sartre that says "Les mots sont des pistolets chargés" (Words are like loaded guns/pistols) and it immediately made me think of the line "The poetry inside of me is warm like a gun."


    Do you think the similar imagery is a coincidence or that Lana could have read Sartre? :um2: Given her love for philosophy, I wouldn't be surprised but maybe it's a stretch. Idk. Maybe it comes from elsewhere, the imagery might not be super original. (Edit: just saw the post above about Happiness is a Warm Gun, I guess the imagery really isn't super original lmao). 


    I don't like Sartre anyway so it would suit me if it's a coincidence. :runs: It's just that I like to know what Lana reads/where she draws her inspiration from and I found the parallel interesting. 

  3. 4 hours ago, StarCrossedSky said:

    Saw her a few weeks ago, it was an amazing show. I saw her before the show and she waved at me! She's definitely living the rock & roll lifestyle, because she sauntered on stage and her band handed her some shades and her coat. The stage persona she taps into is insanely strong and insanely cool. When she took her sunglasses off she kept making her signature faces at me in the front row, I yelled "I can't say no to myself!" at her & she giggled and said "me neither". So sweet. Staff said she was "ill" so she didn't do any signatures or pictures after the show, she just went straight to her car. The passion and fire behind "I Blame Myself" was AMAZING, "Heavy Metal Heart" & "Embarrassing" were amazing too. The one guy who cues her track had a creepy vibe and she was visibly annoyed with him, "Innocent Kind" was a standout too. Hope she does another tour next year, this was my first time seeing her as a fan since 2011.


    At least it seems like she's self-aware :oop2:


    Awesome you had such a wonderful time, I would have killed for those kind of interactions in 2014 :azealia:

  4. I'm surprised there's so few comments about how amazing they are :oopna2: 

    I've been watching their performances for a while now and they're really consistent with the quality of their shows. They're constantly giving vocals, charisma and aesthetic (most of their stage outfits are to die for, I freaking love the baroque ones). Abigail is such an awesome frontwoman but all the girls really shine in their own way. I love when she dances near them to highlight their performance. :wubna:

    I seriously cannot wait for Prelude To Ecstasy. I've been dying to get the studio versions of Caesar on a TV, Burn Alive and Mirror ever since I heard them and I'm soooo happy they made it on the tracklist :trisha:

  5. I honestly feel so bad for people thinking the delays and technical difficulties are normal and worth paying for at this point. :ponder: The fact they're expected and became part of her show is beyond me. Good for the fans if they're content with the crumbs they're getting, but like seriously...

    She's supposed to be a singer. Singing well is the bare minimum. If I was a perfectionist singer and got comments like "at least, she sounded good during X", I would be mortified. 

  6. I don't what some of you are on but 111's rants are hands down the most entertaining stuff among the usual leak pleadings, hopelessness and 2014 throwbacks :true: Giving energy and quality absolutely every time, the opposite of Miss Sky. They're now an integral part of the thread. You just cannot not expecting them when you come here. 

    If in a week there's no Sky drag or a Pretty Dull mention, well, it's simply not the Sky Ferreira thread. :aubrey:

  7. 1 hour ago, Veinsineon said:

    but most importantly take care of yourselves. Take a day off from reading about things. Put down the connection. It’s so easy to fall down a rabbit hole of hopelessness in times like these. We can’t fight for anyone if we are not healthy ourselves.


    happy holidays if you celebrate guys, god bless.


    Absolutely, that's exactly why I no longer come to this thread as regularly as I used to. I'd add it's easy when you keep reading about violence and injustice to be so angry you start losing focus on what's important: what you can or can't do. 


    As individuals, we cannot help Palestine exist as a state/entity. We don't have that power. It doesn't mean we cannot help at all though. 

    If you have the money, you can donate to charities. If you don't, you can still raise awareness on the subject, with understanding and empathy. 





    Though I get it, it's hard sometimes not be aggressive when you talk to morons, but the more you lash out at them, the more they're susceptible to dig their heels in and you're just losing your time and your chance to change their mind. 


    If they keep denying proof, testimonies or whatever you find to back your arguments, you're once again losing your time. It's just not the time for them to understand that side of the story. Perhaps they never will. It's okay. Just quit and use the ignore user function. Some people aren't worth your time and energy, so don't let them siphon it.



  8. I think this thread is a perfect example of how things are getting messy in the international discourse.


    Putting it in spoiler because it's long:



    The Israeli situation is incredibly complex and clearly at a point where compromising with Palestine is necessary but almost impossible. Both sides are at fault for that. I am pro-Palestine and I do identify Israel's tactics as colonialism and apartheid, but that country's been there for years and isn't going anywhere. Let's be realistic.


    I won't talk much about the "land ancestry"/"promise land" bullshit or whatever: it's a concept I've always found stupid, because if you can claim ownership of a land you left thousands years ago... then I guess wars for territory would never end. Most countries have been conquered and then built on illegal occupation though. The only difference with Israel is that it's happening right now, right in front of the whole world, at a time where the UN exists (even though their useless ass don't do shit). And while the conflict is still happening, it started years ago without anyone caring enough to interfer. Which means there is now generations of Israeli living on that land, and for them, Israel is now as much home as Palestine is for Palestinians.


    The ("""true""") ownership of the land aside, we unfortunately live in a world where Israel has to exist. Zionism doesn't come from nowhere. If people and countries hadn't been so cruel with Jews, Israel wouldn't exist nowadays. That's the harsh reality. Was building Israel as a safe haven the best solution? I don't think so. Especially on a land that was already occupied. The sure thing, though, is that the Jewish population is still being prejudiced, harassed and oppressed (and I'm not talking about Jewish people in position of power but mere commoners that are often not even Zionists). Some comments on this very thread are proof of that.



    That said, some things should be simple enough not to get confused but for some reason, it's hard for some people:


    You can criticize the despicable, evil actions of the Israeli government without being antisemistic.

    You can hold Hamas responsible for their crimes and still support Palestine.

    All Jews aren't Zionists.

    All Palestinians aren't terrorists.

    All Israeli don't support Netanyahu.

    All Palestinians don't support Hamas.


    I don't know if the two-state solution will ever see the light of the day and if Palestinians will finally live in peace, but I do know the true victims right now are the civilians being bombed, killed and mutilated for crimes they didn't commit. All the money and energy Western countries are putting in that conflict should be for humanitarian aid and nothing else.


    Side note: I wouldn't ban people spouting IDF propaganda. There's a slim chance they've been brainwashed and interacting with other people might open their eyes. As slim as it is, I'd still take it.

  9. On 11/9/2023 at 3:04 AM, DownhillLullaby said:

    Without an official statement, all's left to do is to wait and see. Time will tell us the truth (or not)


    As Capitol Records' rep has denied the speculation, based on what we've got from experiences with Sky, it can also be a false hope and nothing's happening and for this record label to erase Sky from their website and never acknowledge the situation publicly... I'm led to believe that: they've really parted ways and expecting the right moment to announce it, or they really put her aside (as if she wasn't, anway(based on her allegations)) or she finally got a lawyer and they really got pissed and did what they did.


    I'm not an expert but what if she's not free and they finally put her aside as if she were nothing? Sky has been calling them out and that's basically would be their saying.


    Ngl my paranoid ass thought removing her from the roster was a way to scare or threaten her and get a reaction out of that. :oopna2:


    I'd kill to be a fly on Capitol's walls and hear all the tea, seriously :ponder: If we can't have Pretty Dull, can we at least know why exactly? And in details? I no longer want speculations. I want proof and well-documented claims (and I know @111 has a list (that I love to read and reread), but I mean, I want tea from an "official" source like a record representative and no more vague stuff that can be denied or refuted). 

  10. 1 hour ago, samsclubPRESENTSavamax said:

    In the cycle of "where is the album-isms", I recall seeing Sky say a few times that the label was asking her to do things that she didn't consider part of her job, like promo. You'd think she was working at Subway being asked to scrub toilets. 😕


    10 minutes ago, Ceremonials said:

    record labels also don't run tours, its management specifically, management will typically ask for a budget from the label tho. honestly labels mainly just function as banks 

    Huuun, ok. I stand corrected! I have no idea how labels really work, so thanks for the info. 


    I would've argued that she probably let that to management then, but I'm not sure I understand: if she complained she had to do stuff her label was supposed to do, but said stuff isn't the label's but management's... Does it mean she doesn't have a (real) manager? Or does she have as much clue as me about what labels are supposed to do? :awkney:


    We'll never know the truth behind Sky and Capitol's beef, but just from that, it seems there's a misunderstanding or a lack of knowledge on Sky's part? If labels don't do that shit and she doesn't have management, it's normal they are asking HER to do that, right? So she can't really accuse her labels of not doing... what they're not supposed to do? Not saying she's a liar but I'd find that wild she knows as much as me considering she's been in the business for years.


    I do remember she said that (having to do stuff she didn't think was her job) but frankly, I'm past believing her. Sky's never been the most reliable source. Also, I'm not forgetting (ironically) that Don't Forget video she shelved herself. Girlie thinks promo isn't her job but she fires the editor to do his work? Just to never release that shit? :uh: I get not liking the editor's vision but... just do the fucking work you gave to yourself then?? This is part of the many inconsistencies that makes me believe in the perfectionnist-excuse-actual-lazy-ass explanation. I'd love to believe her but she's the reason I have trust issues. 


    Sorry for the long rant but I'm genuinely so confused about all of that. And tired. I only want Pretty Dull to finally move on from her and that hell of a thread. :bebe:

  11. Honestly I feel like it's very bad for her and for us. 


    We won't hear about her and the tracks she worked on will forever be vaulted.


    She's 100% too lazy to try and book shows or interviews herself. I don't know if Capitol was still doing basic advertizing for her, but I imagine they did because she doesn't seem like the type to care about that. Like, if she was still late to sing even though it's her passion, I don't see her picking up her phone ever again to attend another MET gala. 


    I can't imagine another major label signing her after her Capitol days. Even if she's in the right, Capitol will probably end her reputation among their peers. Indie labels have little to no money and we know she wants better budgets. So...? 


    I hope I'm wrong but I'm pretty pessimistic about her situation and Masochism existence for now. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

    thinking of doing the same thing tbh… idk

    the fact that my uv vinyl came today too like


    20 minutes ago, savage said:

    Goodbye Miss Lana. Goodbye Lanaboards.


    This was fun though.


    I obviously don't know what's on her mind but it's hard for me to believe she wouldn't condemn the killing of civilians if she knew the truth. Lana is out of touch, she's always been. Unless she shows true support for Israel, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. I don't think she has political or personal reason to do so anyway. It's not too far fetched to think she genuinely believes she's doing the right thing. When you're not informed, it's hard not to believe such massive propaganda.

  13. 50 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    I don’t see anything wrong with the letter- is it too appreciative of Biden? Yes when it should be critiquing the American one sided policy on Palestinian affairs but innocent Israeli and other national citizens by hammas should be released and I guess the appreciation is just to grease the wheels- maybe the letter won’t do anything, maybe the public display of it will push focus on him.


    If it can enlighten people as to why this letter is so criticized:

    It is mostly full of shit regarding the conflict. It's not only poorly worded but plain disgusting when you read between the lines.

    Of course it's a good thing to ask for the release of hostages and I sure hope all of them are safe and will soon go back to their family, unharmed.



    "Thank you for your unshakable moral conviction"
    I wouldn't qualify funding the bombing of civilians to be an unshakable moral conviction, but ok.


    "and for the Palestinians who have also been terrorized, oppressed, and victimized by Hamas"
    Totally shifting the Apartheid politics perpetuated by Israel on the enemy's side. It's a gross manipulation I can't overlook. Anyone with two brain cells and access to Internet can learn how Israel deported, murdered, jailed Palestinians and destroyed any of their infrastructures since late 40s.

    Also, Israel helped create Hamas in the 80s to politically destabilize Palestine and smother any Palestinian authority to face them. Just saying.


    "We all want the same thing: freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace"

    I believe these celebs they do. But the government of Israel don't. None of their actions show a urge to make peace. Look up the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. 

    Or the shady stuff surrounding Marwan Barghouti. Some Palestinian politicians could have led a pacific government had Israel not throw a wrench in the gears.


    "And most urgently, in this moment, freedom for the hostages."

    The wounded in Gaza having no access to water or really any ressources to even survive are just as important. No mention of Palestinians being bombed without the possibility of escaping, as Israel is encircling them. They're literally in an open-air prison. Their fate isn't different from hostages.


    A true peace statement would call for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid. That letter is garbage.

  14. 9 minutes ago, barttttender said:


    you should absolutely drag her for it.


    If she signed a petition defending the Nazis against the Jews, she deserves to be dragged for it.


    Unfortunately, this is a similar scenario. It's a very black and white situation at this point in time.


    not saying Palestine is all innocent, no. But the mass extermination of Palestinians right now is basically Nazism all over. 


    I agree with everything you've posted, but I have to add to that: Palestine is all innocent. Hamas might be tied to Palestine but it isn't Palestine. It's kinda like the IRA/Ireland: the actions of one group shouldn't condemn civilians... especially when Israel has the means to send troops instead of blindly bombing lands. They're deliberately choosing to kill innocents. 


    They're also currently bombing the West Bank despite Hamas having no ties to Jordanians. Basically, they're using the deaths of their own people as an excuse to further expand the occupation. 


    What makes me super mad about that letter, though, is that line about Hamas terrorizing Palestine for 15 years. What a way to twist the truth... Israel has been deporting and purging Palestine for 70 years now, but I guess it's not important in the slightest :bye:


    9 minutes ago, ArtDecoDelRey said:

    Biden and the US supporting the genocide is not in the interest of American Jews but rather because they use Israel for Western political interests in the Middle East (and have since its inception).


    The vast majority of American Zionists are not even Jewish but nationalist Evangelicals.


    Exactly. Every country defending Israel is just protecting their interest. It has nothing to do with the fact they're Jews or surviving children of the Shoah. They couldn't care less about that. If they were truly shocked and moved by genocide, they would have lifted a finger for the freedom of Palestine long ago.


    Those hypocrites also would have welcomed Jews when they needed a place the most (Palestine wasn't even the promise land... Many Jews back in the day sought refuge in America, but were drove back because no one wanted them. It was apparently easier to give them a piece of land Western countries didn't truly own.)


    Also, friendly reminder that not every Jew is pro-Israel and even not every Israeli is pro-Israel (in the sense they're not ok with their government's decisions) just like not every Palestinian is pro-Hamas. All those civilians, whether they're from Israel or Palestine, mostly want peace. They're all victims of the actions of their own government, and that's what's so tragic. 


    All those celebs picking sides like it's a fucking football game are privileged, ignorant assholes sheltered in a safe country. When they praise Biden leadership, they just ignore the wish of agonizing populations that are fucking tired of politics and just want to be able to live another day. 

  15. 18 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

    please not us both saying “first of all its not ISIS” at the same time



    Seriously, it made me sigh in disbelief lmaoo. I was 100% sure that ISIS was Daech (that's how we call it in France) but I had to double check if Hamas was also called like that in English. I couldn't comprehend why was ISIS suddenly on the table :wtf2:


    It really shows you that people have absolutely little to no idea about what's happening in Middle East. I hate oversimplification and misinformation so much. :brandy:

  16. 10 minutes ago, OscarScheller said:

    Condemning taking babies and elderly captive, raping teenage girls and beheading civilians - is this now controversial?

    This is a pro-palestinian pro-peace statement, encouraging looking out for civilians on both sides.

    I really can't see how ANY of you, any human being at all, could condemn an ISIS condemnation.


    First of all, it's not ISIS but Hamas.

    Then, the vile actions of Hamas shouldn't result in the death of thousands of innocent civilians, that have nothing to do with those (especially considering most of the population in Gaza is underage and couldn't vote for Hamas in 2006).

    Finally, there was another letter (Artists 4 Ceasefire) that was way more nuanced and definitely hurting for both sides. 


    Also, I can't believe I'm writing that: encouraging Israel bombings will never be a pro-peace statement. 

  17. 53 minutes ago, burthday kake said:

    OMGGG burthday twin hiiii :kiss2:  <333 but no fr you get it!!! it’s like the perf bday event.. i will never recover this being stolen from us :trisha:

    I'm liking this comment. I mean, I still can't, but I'm liking this comment lmao.

    I was soooo happy when I saw Nov 3 in the trailer just to be crushed when I searched for a cinema nearby :trisha:


    10 hours ago, Ultra Violet said:

    Looking like the celebrities they're playing isn't critical for the movie. You all saw what happened with Blonde. I think the truth in this story will mean everything.

    Right? It's such a weird thing to expect lmao. Of course the actors won't look like the people they portray... because they're not these people. Their performance is more important. That's what acting is. 

    I really like the actors' mannerisms we saw in the trailer. They might not look the part but it seems they're doing a really good job. Plus, I trust Sofia's vision to give us a raw, truthful and nuanced version of Priscilla's story. :agree:

  18. I'm a little sad and annoyed but honestly ? Not surprised at all. She's always been ignorant. I hate to be reminded of that, but she did write QFTC and she did date that awful cop (among other stuff).


    Most of the time, her heart probably is in the right place but you obviously can't do good if you're not informed enough. 


    I wouldn't be surprised she has no clue about the situation in Palestine and just saw there was hostages and went with the narrative pushed by the pro-Israel propaganda. 


    14 minutes ago, bluevelvetcola said:

    The problem is that people venerate celebrities and their opinions way too much. It's been fascinating to witness the shock and feelings of betrayal expressed by people when their favs came out in support of Israel. "Not Sarah Paulson!" "Not Florence Pugh!" Like, celebs live comfortably and have little to no incentive to do additional research on geopolitical conflicts. It's just easier for them to jump on bandwagons and share Instagram infographics that make news easily digestible but also far too simplistic. 


    Having been around when Lana first made controversial statements about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2018, I'm not too surprised by this. She's a lib through and through. In fact, most 'woke' celebs veer towards centrism rather than leftism on the political compass lol. It's disappointing nonetheless.


    This is a really good video discussing the current phenomenon. 





    Still can't like posts but I would if I could. 

  19. On 10/17/2023 at 9:34 PM, burthday kake said:

    i am sooo confused omfg can someone please help me hahah when does this movie come out in the eu/uk??? like on the offical IG they keep posting "out everywhere Nov 3" n it says that in the bio too but do they mean everywhere *in america*? cause Loool as soon as you google search nearly ever article n mag (reputable sources yes) says that it's a late december/jan 2024 release for anywhere overseas


    if this is the case honestly WTFFFF imo it's legit a Priscilla. Mf. Presley. biopic...... like they must know it has an international audience n with over an entire month to wait most people over here are just gonna end up pirating it:popcorn:  myself included :popcorn: 


    sorry im just in a bitchy mood hrh-mad.gif cause my bday is legit Nov 4& one of my bday plans was gonna b seeing this with my boyfriend in the evening but i guess we will have to settle for killers of the flower moon lolol

    I'm just as confused. I'm also a Nov 4 baby (hi :wave2:) and I, too, wanted to see it for my birthday. :trisha:

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