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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. Maybe. Which is pretty impressive considering the NFR pre-release was 4,000 pages and was alive for like a year..
  2. My mum just kinda sat there emotionless for the entire song then turned to me and went “well it’s very Lana del rey” and refused to elaborate
  3. I swear some of y’all come on here just to be a contrarian and argue..
  4. I’d rather not move it to a different thread tbh but I kind of would think it belongs in one I guess. I mean the announcement’s going to be made shortly so no harm in leaving it here.
  5. “We’ve got Glastonbury to look forward to.. and who knows what else? But I’m sure she’ll tell you all in due time”
  6. I’m scared there’s going to be no interview and Clara won’t say anything about it and I’ll be forced to listen to the entire show for no reason
  7. Nobody gives a fuck if you like it or not let’s be real.. as long as you’re not insulting Lana and saying shit like “lana needs to quit it with piano ballads” like it’s so reductive and repetitive.
  8. When Kill Kill starts playing and it’s actually a live debut of the entirety of AKA
  9. “So Lana, you were on here with us a couple of years back. Let’s travel back in time and listen to a snippet of that” “… it’s a black and white image, if you want to see a person of colour just zoom in” *dial tone* then what?
  10. He doesn’t stir the pot, he’s always been pretty transparent. He won’t ever spoil surprises, won’t leak music & won’t answer questions (he sometimes does but don’t expect him to). But he’s always been right, and he’s never lied about something intentionally before.
  11. I took the Friday off bc I knew I wasn’t going to stay awake for the release and I didn’t want to listen to it on the way to work or once I got home from work but then I got covid and used up my holiday hours and had to give the day back
  12. Good point, I wonder if it was a Jon song that he wanted Lana on and then she kinda just stole it for DYK tho
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