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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. Oh this is lovely. Neil and Lana saw our daily meltdowns and said "let’s throw the twinks a bone they deserve it" but fr you know the album’s gonna be good when it has a neil cover and album photoshoot (if we pretend BB’s non existent)
  2. that site being blocked in france for months and eclipse (i believe) saying crazy for you’s a boring song ENOUGH
  3. which one’s the honeymoon outtake again where she reuses the "there are violets in your eyes" line ? cause i need 8 of those
  4. still crying at the fact she’s about to release her 4th album (if we count Violets) this decade and it barely started 3 years ago Someone should study this woman asap
  5. Picture this It’s wednesday, the 7th of december. On a cold snowy night global alt sensation Lana Del Rey finally announces her new album : the long awaited covers album from two decembers ago Jokes aside but the fact there’s always a possibility this could be true is…frightening
  6. Oh so now the Jack stan is going to preach to us?
  7. This must be how Madonna and Christina stans feel huh But you’re fully right, and that’s why my expectations are so awfully low I’ll settle for something above Cocc and it’s ugly sister without expecting UV/HM levels of quality or her best album. Hope she’ll prove me wrong tho and makes a genre bending, universally acclaimed magnum opus again
  8. i get being excited and so but some of y’all are definitely getting a little ahead of yourselves my expectations are very low, i’ll be happy with anything that doesn’t include her family and isn’t a stripped back ballad atp And NO more youtube rips of 10 year old throwaways and 11 song tracklists pls
  9. When all she announces next week is her retirement
  10. "i’m not gonna tell you when it’s coming" who are you lady and what did you do with the real Lana Del Rey?
  11. Not really, majority of the people forgot about QFTC by now and she’s reaching new streaming peaks every day. I don’t use social media much but i really don’t know another artist that people use as much as her in their insta reels/stories/tiktoks. She dominates every Gen Z app today just like she dominated Tumblr back then. On top of that she outstreams nearly every main pop girl daily like she’s still ON track Cocc and BB flopping had nothing to do with that stupid letter but with a) the sheer lack of promo/nonexistent eras and b) them just being boring let’s be real, most of us complained about those two albums especially BB, why would anyone from the GP know about them let alone listen to them (besides Dealer which they ate up)… If the next album’s not another collection of random acoustic snoozers and youtube rips (thank god all the signs point into a better direction this time) the people WILL be tuning in, miss Lana Del Rey will always be famous, you can bet on that
  12. is it many pages back ? i’ll look for it thank you!
  13. fr ? cause one of them’s sketchy yeah we can’t really hear much but the other one sounds exactly like her idk
  14. so are the two snippets floating around on twitter fake? one of them could be because you can’t clearly hear Lana but the other one’s clearly her idc
  15. i mean it’s not like Lana would contribute much promo wise with a private insta account with 2m followers next to Taylor’s 230m
  16. "the new snow song” oh that woman does not care
  17. "Superstar Lana Del Rey just announced her new lead single, a highly anticipated collaboration with country legend Nikki Lane"
  18. Probably close to being done. The theft occurred months ago and since then Ben teased her finishing the album and it coming soon multiple times (last one being a month or so ago) so i really don’t think this has any impact on the album besides Lana maybe being discouraged à la UV leaks era for now In other news Lana… girl stop promoting nikki while getting pestered by the country peasants and focus on your exploding streaming numbers strike while the iron’s hot and release the lead single mama
  19. Oh girl it better cause we went from 8/20 to her birthday to halloween now i’m seeing thanksgiving and a christmas special being thrown around But tour announcement coming on black friday (allegedly) so get your coins ready
  20. "only a year and a half from bunny and a year from billions"
  21. that’s the spirit and her auntie ass should start with dusting off Dan Auerbach’s version of Fine China, c’mon give the people what they need hell just take the unleaked uv, hm and lfl outtakes and make 3 albums out of them
  22. Which makes it even worse because WFWF f.e (which i adore) is horrible mixed which makes…no sense. Mike dean worked on it and he just worked on half of one of the best engineered album’s i’ve ever heard, like it’s obvious Lana wanted it to sound the way it does and it’s not another case of "jack’s responsible for her bad production”… just so many red flags oop well that makes two of us
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