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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. girl go eat a dick because his lame ass quoted me so i respond? jared didn’t quote anyone nor @ anyone, your point is what exactly ?
  2. then keep that same energy when i call some of y’all’s shit ideas and atrocious tracklists bad. bunch of hypocrites
  3. you’re a very grown ass man darling, start acting like one.
  4. if that’s their opinion it’s their opinion and if you/anyone doesn’t agree with them just ignore or it or block them like it’s not that hard…
  5. aint nobody reading this gRoW uP - said the 40 year old on a stan forum
  6. some of y’all on this site are so pathetic, you whine and cry about people having the right to voice their opinions but mindlessly swarm to attack everyone you don’t agree with (and i don’t even like jared)
  7. the fact i agree with jared for the very first time…oh it’s bad bad
  8. what’s the point of waiting for an album we’ve practically heard already ? to not even end up with good songs we’ve heard already. it’s just utterly pointless to release it at all at this point she can keep it
  9. did i say they weren’t beautiful ? i said they are just mostly weaker compared to the rest of the album. and majority of them are covers anyway and not really closing material either.
  10. one of them isn’t a closer and i didn’t count bel air since it’s an ep and already very short
  11. This is a classic lana problem. All of her albums always start extremely strong with the best tracks are being in the first half of the album, the middle being softer/slower and the end being usually a lot less strong than the beginning. She’s clearly just not that good at making good tracklists, most of her closings are usually either skips or weaker compared to the beginning of the album. She usually keeps at least one banger for the second half/ending tho which i really love (black beauty, heroin, the greatest, the blackest day etc) but she should start ending her albums with a real climactic BANG and not by letting them slowly fizzle themselves out. Cocc is even worse because it’s just so short and the last 3 tracks are 2 snoozefests and a skip. The album peaks with yosemite and after that it’s practically over which makes the album feel like a tiny EP with little to no real climax.
  12. if by genius you mean lazy and without the slightest plan nor idea for this album yes, definitely
  13. you better love Love Drought (produced by daddy Mike) and Sandcastles since it’s a piano ballad and you love those
  14. well it’s definitely over lana’s past 3 projects and definitely better than Sirens so there’s that
  15. are you 12? cause you definitely sound 12 (and literally every song on lemonade go sit outside)
  16. can you come up with something new this was already lame the first time
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