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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. idk if he’s just trolling or not remember him saying they didn’t finish anything and ww came out a week later….idk he seems like a liar just like lana
  2. don’t worry !! yes boz said apparently the jack songs are scrapped and that he didn’t wanna say which producer did the rest of the tracks in fear of us harassing them for info (well did he lie? ). and mike only has one song according to boz but one out of several more according to mike himself (who’s lying??). So my guess is at least one or more producers besides gabe and zach will produce. we already know those two are on the album so there’s no need to keep their names hidden which leads me to think there’s a new producer which is exciting (and very confusing)
  3. i’ll find you if this ends up being true, just know that
  4. jack isnt on the album at all. it’s either zach/gave produced or made by someone else/new.
  5. there’s not much else happening here anyway since lana will be like this until november:
  6. girl i know your ass aint talking about charming when you talk about people shitting in cornflakes ?? you wrongfully felt attacked when i wasn’t even talking about you in the first place cause i don’t have a clue who you are or what opinions you have. it was just a general observation/comment. P.s idc but thanks for sharing
  7. bitch i barely even said anything and just said people (like you) are annoying with not letting people have their opinions. but thanks for proving my point. the only worked up one is you girl. go fuck yourself
  8. so fucking what if people feel like that let them feel like that? i get that too much negativity isn’t great and y’all can complain about that yes. but a lot of the fake positive crowd that lives in lana’s anal cavity on here attacks anyone who just says they don’t like this or don’t or for something as simple as doing the wrong album ranking. the same crowd who are the first to yell "maybe unstan if you’re not happy?" will also be the first to have brain aneurysms if someone says something slightly negative about lana.
  9. bestie boz confirmed there are no jack tracks. obviously there aren’t any if she scrapped most of the old songs they have to be the jack ones since she won’t scrap newer songs.
  10. some of y’all are so fucking annoying omg "i’m disappointed she didn’t even update us once yet again" 50% of y’all: WELL WHY DONT YOU UNSTAN THEN FAKE FAN ???
  11. bitch YOU ARE the gay man in women’s business stfu
  12. she can be upset without looking stupid as fuck. nearly every woman she names besides camila, kehlani and ariana went through ten times worse than lana ever did and she could’ve made her stupid point without unnecessarily naming women who have it worse than her by just not being white. how many times do people have to explain that?
  13. lock up all the 15 year olds of this fanbase QUICK
  14. twitter fags really believe she called the album Santa Clarita Sinners based on literally nothing they are so fucking stupid and that name is just as stupid
  15. the difference was she didn’t announce a new album the day the new one drops 3 times in a row back then with the occasional outtakes regularly leaking and her being silent we easily could’ve went till next year but NO her loud mouth has to blow it every time and keep us in this loop
  16. QUICKLY i’m one "the album’s tentatively out hmm… november ??" away from drawing a heart on my cheek
  17. PLEASE the way i’m listening more to her latest album than lawna’s….SEND HELP IMMEDIATELY
  18. i’m so bored by this era that i started stanning marina GOD it’s getting dark
  19. i cant fucking believe we fell for this AGAIN seriously how dumb are we ???
  20. well ol’ girl had it coming maybe she’ll learn not to give out 5 random dates in barely a year
  21. that’s it i’m writing hate mail to lawna, ben, jack and nikki (especially nikki)
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