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Posts posted by mypolaroidfrown

  1. I'm really looking forward to hearing the new album on its release date! I don't even know where to try to find the leaks online ( I grew up in the Napster era LOL) but it sounds like the Snippets are low quality anyway, so I'll just wait until release day!


    I'm really hoping the "surprise" that's been teased is an official unreleased compilation (after all these years of her fanbase begging for it, hopefully her team finally managed to talk her into doing it) I'm looking at you :benmawson:


    If it's not that, perhaps it will be a new poetry book. Or some other writing project.  But I'm really hoping for an unreleased compilation.  


    In the meantime, I'm streaming A&W constantly! I absolutely love that song! Lyrically, sonically, and that second half, OMG! The entire thing is perfection!  :flutter:



  2. The online media Outlets have picked up on the Tulsa billboard situation and they've totally ran with it.  They're painting her out to be the crazy ex-girlfriend.  I really hope she doesn't do any other obvious things that are directed at or related to Sean. I'm just worried that this sort of drama will overshadow the press for the new record. All the interviews and press she'll be doing around release time, you know they're going to want to ask questions about this whole situation. I understand she may be going through a tough time, I just don't want the media Outlets & haters to have more tabloid fodder & clickbait.  They ripped her apart over QFTC, and I hate to see her be painted as "crazy ex gf" in the media now.

  3. 1 hour ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    I found a video of Sean's wedding on Facebook of all places. It was posted by his show Police Patrol and you see her face clearly. It's like a tribute video of their wedding. lol


    His wife is gorgeous. She has beautiful long brown hair like Lana's but that is the only similarity. She looks like a model and age appropiate. It's obvious she takes care of herself like Sean does. But yeah, she's a stunning woman. They look very happy. Good for them. :gclap:

    Seeing the video of their wedding and how happy they look, I feel second hand cringe for Lana and her billboard. :um2:

    Lana's Mr. Right is out there. It takes time but I hope she finds him soon. She has terrible luck with love. :(

    I agree 100% with everything you said! I saw the wedding video and photos as well, where her face was not censored.  I could just see how happy both of them looked. I am genuinely happy for them. I knew it would be a tough time for Lana of course, but the fact is, he's married now, he has his family, and his new TV show that he's a part of. I'm just concerned for Lana because now the online media Outlets are starting to pick up on the Tulsa billboard thing and now they're running stories about her. I just hate that she gets attention in the media for the drama, when I wish they would just focus on her music and art. It seems like anytime she does something slightly problematic, they immediately jump on it because it gets clicks. I just hope she doesn't do any other obvious things that are related to or directed at Sean, because the media Outlets will just eat it all up and I don't want the new record to be overshadowed by that sort of bullshit. I understand she may be going through a tough time, but Sean moved on, he's married, it is what it is. Hopefully she can channel those feelings into her music and poetry. ❤️

  4. 17 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:

    Does anyone have a picture of Sean's new wife. I'm interested in seeing if she looks like Lana or ? Because I hear he married this woman shortly after dumping Lana. You know who else dumped Lana and married someone else? That Italian what's his face photohrapher that I can't remember his name right now. 


    Leaving this here for reference:


    I guess you could call it textbook
    I was lookin' for the father I wanted back
    And I thought I found it in Brentwood
    It seemed only appropriate you'd easily have my back

    And then there was the issue of her
    I didn't even like myself, or love the life I had
    And there you were with shining stars
    Standin' blue with open arms
    You touched the detriment most of the friends I knew already had

    You've got a Thunderbird, my daddy had one, too
    Let's rewrite history, I'll do this dance with you
    You know I'm not that girl, you know I'll never be
    Maybe just the way we're different could set me free
    And there we were, screamin' "Black Lives Matter" in the crowd
    By the Old Man River, and I saw you saw who I am
    God, I wish I was with my father
    He could see us in all our splendor
    All the things I couldn't want for him
    I screamed for them, oh-oh-oh
    I screamed for them, ah-ah

    Could we do this dance again?
    Do you think if I go blonde, we could get our old love back?
    I guess this is really the end
    I never felt jealous before this year, but I'm jealous now

    People say we're too much alike
    But maybe, finally, that'll make it right
    In the end of all these sleepless nights
    Other men I met felt right
    Would smile at you and stick a knife
    In your back
    Finally, I met you so I'm not wonderin' why

    You've got a Thunderbird, my daddy had one, too
    Let's rewrite history, I'll do this dance with you
    You know I'm not that girl, you know I'll never be
    Maybe just the way we're different could set me free
    There we were, screamin' "Black Lives Matter" in the crowd
    By the Old Man River, and I saw you saw who I am
    God, I wish I was with my father
    He could see us in all our splendor
    All the things I couldn't want for him
    I screamed for them, oh-oh-oh
    I screamed for them, ah-ah

    Old Man River keeps rollin'
    With or without him
    Old Man River keeps rollin'
    Without him, oh, my old man
    Old Man River keeps rollin', oh




    A lighting of a tree. I think it's in Italy?


    Sean Larkin did an interview with the New York Times in March of 2020. That's the interview where he mentioned that he and Lana had split up. So it's entirely possible that they broke up prior to March 2020, but that's when the New York Times interview was published. He got married in January or February of this year, 2022.   Francesco Carrozini is the Italian photographer who Lana dated.  I believe he married Anna Wintour's daughter and they have a young baby now. I don't feel comfortable posting photos of Sean's wife on here, the few photos I've seen of her, her face is blocked out with an emoji, he really does his best to protect her privacy, and I can understand why. But I'm sure you can find out about her through a Google Search and you'll see photos on Google Images! 😊 She is Sean's age, from what I recall, or very close to it.

  5. Just now, mrborntolose said:

    “my boy sean” does this man have fans or something :wtf:

    Of course he does. It was bound to happen. He's been on two very popular police TV shows. The topic of that Reddit thread is that someone noticed his daughter is liking some of the tweets and commentary about Lana being petty.  Scroll to the second photo in that thread.

  6. 3 hours ago, archiemm said:



    seans comment section they doin too much this is so embarrassing i'm sorry... :bebe:


    (not my photo i found it in some ldr fb group :rip:)


    Oh god. I knew people were going to flock to his Instagram and start leaving bizarre comments. This is also why I was concerned when I saw the caption on her Instagram post. I just knew that some of her fans were going to go to Sean's page and start leaving comments. I'm just glad that Sean's wife has a private Instagram. I can't imagine the sort of harassment she might receive from Lana fans.  None of us have any idea whether Lana & Sean still remain in any kind of contact on a basic friendship level after their breakup, but things like this I imagine would drive a wedge between them, I'm sure Sean and his wife don't want any drama or attention in this situation, and I wouldn't blame him for being pissed.


    People can hate on the guy all they want, because he was a cop, etc etc, but the bottom line is, he and Lana were together, she obviously saw something in him and they had a relationship. That relationship obviously affected her to the point where she's putting up a billboard near where he lives with his wife. So obviously she's still feeling some type of way about him.


    Unfortunately Lana has some crazy unhinged fans, like the guy who harassed her outside of her church and she's had her homes broken into multiple times.  I highly doubt an ex Cop is going to put up with any sort of bullshit from her fans.   Sean seems to prioritize his and his wife's privacy.  Lana's fans should tread carefully.

  7. I'm super excited for the new album of course. I was really sad to hear that her vehicle was broken into and she had things stolen. I'm especially sad about the book she was writing, I hope she was able to recover some of what she lost. I figured that after that incident, things would be delayed.


    I'm just really grateful that she's still releasing music, especially after all she's been through with the break-ins, theft, leaks, etc.  


    I love the new single. Lyrically, sonically, it's perfection. As she grows older, she's going to change, as we all do. She's not necessarily going to be singing about the things she sang about 10, 15 years ago. Her wants and needs are different now. I'm Lana's age, so in a way I feel like I've sort of grown up with her, over these past 10 years.  


    I still hold out hope, foolish as it may be, that she will put out an unreleased collection at some point. I would just love for her to hand pick her favorite unreleased tracks, and really dive into that. Yes I know it's all available on youtube, soundcloud, etc, but I still would love an official curated release from her.


    Anyway, back to the new record. Looks like she has a lot of features on this one. The only one I'm familiar with is Father John Misty, I don't know who any of the other people are, but when I have a chance I'll go online and check them out! It Will be interesting to see what she cooks up for us kids!

  8. Does anyone else listen to Nessa Barrett?  She cites Lana as an influence.  I randomly stumbled across her music on my YouTube homepage under the recommended videos section, and I actually think her stuff is pretty good.  She's sorta got a "dark pop" vibe going on, and I like the production quality in her music. Not sure how much of it is her and how much of it is manufactured by the record label, but it's been my guilty pleasure lately and I actually bought a ticket to the Boston show on her upcoming tour.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    She must have really loved Sean to go as far as doing something like this to get back at him. 


    She really was never over that breakup. I think she got "engaged" to Clay to make Sean jealous. 

    I completely agree with you. This is all speculation of course.  But we do know that she announced her new album on December 7th, which is also Sean's birthday. And now she posted on Instagram about this Tulsa billboard thing.  I remember the Instagram live stream she did, the one where her father was in the room with her. I remember she was discussing the breakup with Sean and how she felt like her entire world was ending.  I know that one definitely hit her hard. I really believe that her relationship with Clayton was either just a rebound or something to pass the time. I'm not sure if she's still with the guy from Salem, but it seems like Sean is " the one who got away."  I definitely feel for her. I'm certainly not putting her down or criticizing her at all.  I know many fans are laughing off the billboard thing, but a part of me is sorta worried and concerned for her, as a 36 year old woman to another 36 year old woman, that perhaps she's been carrying a torch for this man for the past few years.  That's definitely going to eat away at her, especially now that he's moved on & married.  Sure, that sort of pain and tension can create wonderful music & art. But ultimately I just wish for her to have happiness, closure, and peace.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Downtown Baby Doll said:

    pls don’t come for me but i think it’s kinda cringe :awkney: but as long as she’s happy then slaaay petty queen! 

    I agree.  If it's a funny sarcastic "f*** you" kinda thing, ok.  But he's been married to someone else for awhile now. I just hope she's still not completely hung up on him and giving him that sort of power over her, and allowing him to take up so much space in her mind.  Obviously she's feeling some type of way if she had a billboard put up in Tulsa, of all places.  I just hope she's doing okay. I imagine that him marrying another woman was not easy for her to deal with.  

  11. Jesus. I just watched her Instagram video and my heart sank. I'm still processing it, just like we all are. I do agree with many of you that it is strange that she is doing this as her new album is being rolled out.  It reminds me of an interview she did many years ago, where she was talking about her past and how she spent a lot of time volunteering and doing work to help others. I wonder if she's getting back to doing that. I also remember interview a long time ago that mentioned she was looking at possibly writing a musical or something for Broadway? I could be wrong, ultimately I just hope she's okay and that nothing tragic happened to trigger all of this. When I think back on different things she said over the years, I remember when Ultraviolence was being rolled out and she said made a statement in an interview, along the lines about how she didn't want anyone to hear it. I really do believe she struggles with Fame and all that comes with it, and now that her sister's baby has been born, maybe she's realizing that she wants to dedicate her life to other things right now. Sorry for rambling, my head is spinning right now, I just really truly hope she's okay. I was paying attention to her tone and her blinking and she definitely seemed sad in that video. Still, I'm looking forward to the new record just like everyone else is ❤

  12. Honestly, I've never really paid much attention to Halsey. But with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross at the helm for this new album, I am definitely intrigued. I listened to the snippet of I am not a woman I'm a God and I'm loving what I'm hearing. I will definitely be checking out her album when it drops. I love everything Trent Reznor does and I'd give anything for him to work with Lana at some point. If any of you longtime Halsey fans have any recommendations on which songs of hers I should check out, please let me know! I definitely favor the 90s industrial Electronica sound and I definitely like what I'm hearing so far from her upcoming release!  I imagine she will attract a lot of new listeners now that Trent is involved.

  13. Wow. It's been months since I've been on here. So much has happened!  I had what they call "long Covid" and also had surgery and the recovery was complicated and took awhile, but I am back! I hope everyone on here is doing well! So much has happened &  am trying to catch up on! Lana released 3 singles, someone named Olivia Rodrigo is dominating the charts, Clayton & Lana apparently split up, Chuck had a baby, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross produced Halsey's upcoming album, and we possibly have a new single coming soon from Lana named Arcadia?  I also see awesome new GIFs on here! I am speechless!  There's a lot to catch up on, but I am so glad to be back on here with you all! Blue Banisters is my favorite out of the three songs she recently released. I definitely love the production on it! So dreamy! I'll try not to stray too far off topic on here but I must say I am a bit jealous that Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross are on Halsey's new album, because I would love nothing more than for those two geniuses to work with Lana! :flutter:

  14. Spoiler

    I'm really loving Dark But Just a Game. It has a bit of BTD flavor, IMO. I feel like it would have fit in really well as the closing track on BTD. The song feels like something to be played at the end credits of a film. It might be replacing TJF as my favorite track on the record. Like many of you said, we need to really spend some quality time with the record as a whole. Her vocals and lyrics are gorgeous!


  15. 1 minute ago, Terrence Loves Me said:
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    honestly i can't even remember, is that the fuck it i love you reject? or was that dark but just a game, one of them sounds like fiily but i cant remember which, i think i liked TJF a little



    TJF has the white hot forever lyrics in it, I think it was originally white hot forever, but she changed the name to TJF. But I'm not sure. It's the only track I liked off the entire record honestly.


  16. 10 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

    manifesting no more folk, no more country, no more hippy love stuff, no more Elizabeth vocals and most importantly NO MORE jack , next album will hopefully be the return of classic cinematic rick knowles produced big bold depressing overdramatic low vocal degrading desperate controversial orchestral strings honeymoon esque MASTERPIECE , i know you're all thinking it :sass: anyway can't wait to listen to this again tomorrow, it needs to grow on me a lot more..

    Yes!! I agree with you 100%. Very well said!  Let the manifesting begin! I'm ready for Jack to go back to Taylor Swift and Lorde, and let our Queen get back with Rick Nowels!  I'm still waiting for a slick sexy dirty gritty 90s alt electro grunge-y with a lil dash of trip hop album! She needs to call up Butch Vig, the new Garbage record is finished and I highly doubt they're going to be able to tour anytime soon. Would be great if he could work with Lana on something in the future :flutter:

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