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Posts posted by heartbreakhigh

  1. ngl i wish she stuck with SOPHIE as a producer instead of going with AG cook

    i personally prefer AG cooks production, i think he did a great job


    guys i really think this mixtape has true romance shook 

  2. Making my great return to say she fucking killed it oh my god this is everything I've ever wanted from Charlegend


    roll with me > drugs > dreamer > white roses > babygirl > blame it on you > 3am > lipgloss > ily2 > emotional

  3. Idk if anyone posted this, but she posted this on a pc music forum:


    "HI guys, Charli Here!!!

    just wanna clear up any confusion and say that my nnew single will be a funeral dirge inspired by my time in Hull. Produced by Xenomania + Madonna, Lil Yachty features in two choruses as the Spirit of Christmas!!!!!!





    kiss.png  Charli  kiss.png"



    why would this be real omg

  4. Also, what are your least favorites? Mine would probably have to be Caught In The Middle & Stay Away.


    I literally just had to reset my LB password so I could reply to this


    STAY AWAY????????? HUH????????/????????


    14 has fans?



    this makes me really sad. ugh. am i missing any though?



    omg if you could PLEASE send me these if you have time 

    also if anyone wants to be an angel and send me recent leaks/candyfloss/so far away demo from like june until now ILL LITERALLY LOVE U FOREVER ive missed so much on here cause charles has been doing absolutely nothing
    also a lil yachty feature would def be interesting and im super excited to hear the song. and the video looks cool as fuck too

  5. waiting for the masterpost ......... im missing like 5 recent leaks and snippets and its bothering me so much. can you please post it soon ?? @@bigdopebaby even if theres no links i just need titles pleaseseeeee


    also i got my vinyl and its so great omg also to the person that said theirs wasnt signed if you contact warner music theyll send you a new free signed one

  6. my vv vinyl hasnt shipped :( i have the worst luck with ordering things online and if i somehow dont get one i am going to cry


    btw. MASTERPOST????????????? W  H  E  R  E 

  7. Can't wait for the studuo version of Round & Round, I already know XCX3 is going to become one of my favourite albums  :defeated:

    She said it was a demo and shes not releasing it she just wanted to perform it but that sounds sketchy to me


    i hope explode is not a kiddie song LMFAOOOO

  8. begging just causes us to get snippets that are tagged every 2 secs

    to me thats better than nothing  :toofunny:



    Also I'm not sure if I ever posted my thoughts about the EP... but its amazing :)


    Vroom Vroom is still a great song but I overplayed it too much last year so its definitely not the first song I go to listen to.


    Trophy turned out to be me favorite over Vroom Vroom, which was the other way around when I used to listen to the live versions. I love the agression and the second "bitch im here to fuck you up" part GOES SO HARD..... UGH THIS IS GOING TO SLAY LIVE


    Paradise was my least favorite track out of the live recordings, and it still is tbh. I love Hannah Diamond but if Charli sang the whole song by herself I think I would love the song more. Its a nice song but I just never find myself listening to it.... :(


    Secret is an amazing track and was really unexpected, I love the vocals and the layering???? Idk but Secret is probably my favorite track.



    Secret > Trophy > Vroom Vroom > Paradise 


    I hope we get a video for one of these songs soon as well! I was excited for a VV video with Paris but now I really want a dark video for Secret, it would be so cool :defeated: excited to see what she has in store for the coming months  :creep:

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