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Posts posted by BluebirdXO

  1. On 2/3/2023 at 9:53 PM, fl0r1dakil0s said:


    i've never been to brazil and i'm just wondering how this usually works? does it matter exactly what kind of nonperishable food it is? i just don't want to be turned away at the entrance :wtf3: 


    It's usually rice, beans, oil, salt, flour, sugar, coffee, pasta, powdered milk, etc.

    Don't buy canned beans. In Brazil, raw beans is the most common way of getting them at the grocery store.


  2. On 7/21/2022 at 7:44 AM, Nightmare said:

    white teeth teens?


    23 hours ago, TRENCH said:


    She sings Biting Down, the line bolded below, with white teen teeth in the back. The muffled lyrics right after, im not sure ..




    Thanks ❤

  3. 14 hours ago, Urbanney said:

    9 months after Britney told the world that her abusers from the conservatorship weren’t allowing her to get pregnant by forcing her to keep an IUD in…


    Britney’s pregnant, y’all! :party::wub:


    This made me cry (happiness tears of course)

  4. 1 hour ago, BlueINK said:

    I don't think people who say this understand the simple fact that Ukraine can do whatever👏🏻the👏🏻hell👏🏻they👏🏻want

    Who is Putin to tell other countries what they can and can't do?!

    Nobody, absolutely nobody is to blame here except Putin. If he's so pressed about NATO, maybe he should just join it too.


    What's the alternative? Every head of state doing as one man in a completely different country pleases and if they don't, they're at fault for him starting a war?? 


    Nobody provoked him. The Ukraine wants to be more Western and guess what - they can. It really is that simple.

    Because again: Putin is not the boss of Ukraine. They can join the Nato whenever they want. Nobody here is at fault except him.


    What I think is pretty much this:

    1 hour ago, VioletBunny said:

    By this logic, Putin can also do whatever the hell he wants. Ukraine joining NATO is a security risk to Russia, especially with the constantly anti-Russia propaganda America's been feeding us the last few decades (which has intensified over the last 5-6 years.. how many shows came out recently with Russia as the antagonists? Trump blaming Russia for everything, Biden blaming Russia for everything). 


    If you can't see that NATO expanding closer and closer to Russia is a very, very deliberate act then idk what to tell you.


    "Who is Putin to tell other countries what they can and can't do?!"


    I don't know. Who's America to tell other countries what they can and can't do? As far I can tell, America had invaded many countries over the decades and didn't face 1/3 of the hate and sanctions that Russia has been suffering.


    I'm praying that Ukraine doesn't end up being another Yugoslavia 


  5. I'll be the most hated person on this forum, but here we go:



    The west is overrating the whole thing and making it worse. If Putin backs down now, he'll look like a clown. If he keeps going, more innocents will die. The thought of Ukraine joining NATO was pure insanity and all the other countries have their parcel of guilty in this war


  6. 32 minutes ago, xxmissdaytonaxx said:

    the energy is weird in here today :eartha2:


    anyways i will forever love marina. i think we fail to understand that shes human, and the girl has been a victim to every "marina's poor/broke/etc" joke for how long and still goes through that shit. of course, she's defensive. i don't blame her. i would get so fed up and frustrated w that shit if i were in her position. it's annoying and completely uncalled for. 


    ok i said my peace. time to back into hiding. 


    I'll never understand why she thinks that being called poor is offensive. If my fanbase joked about it, I would use it in my favor and move on

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