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Everything posted by RockCandySweet

  1. Isn’t there a thing where she has to have the album sent to the vinyl people 90 days before? So would that mean if the album is RCS, it would have to be printed already. Unless RCS is a single and BB is the album? Mama I’m just grasping at this point
  2. she's now giving us the candy that comes out of cocc
  3. What is this cryptic way of spelling selphie all about it. My mental health can't do this anymore.
  4. Maybe when she says she wants revenge, doesn't necessarily mean angry, loud songs but just like "Imma make the most beautiful sounding album ever you bitches aint gonna be able to say shit about it". Like revenge in a sweet way
  5. Yeah I agree. I think it's cause she said she wanted revenge and RBFY is too sweet for that theme. I can see her putting it on a more country- style album like she said she wanted to make
  6. So I finally go to listen to the album yesterday. BLOWN. AWAY. This is just my opinion but this is her best album yet. No skips. I'm actually scared to put it on shuffle cause its so perfect in the order it is. I bawled with Wild at Heart.
  7. Ya'll I really feel like she's gonna give us something really similar to AKA. Just listening to the progression from her albums, she keeps going further into the rustic, recorded on the iPhone Voice Memos app sound. It's like she's grooming us for Lizzie and I'm all for the return of The Queen of the Gas Station.
  8. "You're rock hard as rock candy". I LOVE that! and thanks, lol! If you legit want the workout routine, DM me
  9. Calling that a title is going to be Hard Candy Sweet with the lyric Revenge is hard candy sweet
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