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star Iux

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Posts posted by star Iux

  1. I really appreciate how even though people are hating on Courtney in this thread they’re still acknowledging her talent. She’s a terrible person but it’s so aggravating to see people say she killed Kurt or Kurt wrote live through this etc. We can criticize her without diminishing her achievements. I do think it’s funny she would end a 10+ year friendship over one cover though.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    i apologize if i misunderstood your previous posts, your heart is in the right place and ultimately i believe most of us have our hearts in the right place, we might just not always agree or understand the ways we go about it, but regardless, we're all trying to make a difference and do the right thing, and it feels especially important to make different choices when so much is happening in our world, wars, conflict, division, and also the threat of the climate crisis, thankfully, more people are becoming aware of these things, but it seems like our world and our society is still so blind to everything happening and although i feel hopeful, i also very discouraged because it just seems like everything's getting worse and not enough people are really aware of it, but i do think it matters to be educated and to make better choices regarding where you spend your money and who you financially support if you're able to, and also educating others, and just being aware in general, i would agree that when something as awful as a genocide is occurring, we should be more compelled to speak out, and to care, we just get so wrapped up in our own lives, but we should care about others, especially those who's voices are silenced or stifled 

    Happy we could agree <3333

  3. 1 minute ago, Surf Noir said:


    i didn't know about the boycotts, only the starbucks one vaguely, does that mean i'm ignorant? or that i'm not educating myself enough? maybe she just simply isn't on the internet enough to know about these things, and while, yes, she technically could go out of her way to learn more about it, it doesn't automatically mean she's going to know about one specific boycott (which won't really do anything in the first place, unless a substantial amount of people choose not to purchase from mcdonald's, we all have the ability to educate ourselves, and i think we should all be encouraged to do so, but our concerns shouldn't be a selfie of her with her mcdonald's order


    celebrities certainly have a voice, and their voice can definitely be impactful but they aren't politicians, and i personally find it annoying when people think celebrities are morally obligated to speak out on every political/social/world issue in the book, we should be more concerned about joe biden's actions instead of random celebrities, and honestly i don't expect most celebrities to really care all that much, most of them live totally different lives and existences and are probably are too blinded to see what goes on in the world outside of their bubble, taylor swift isn't going to do anything if it won't benefit her or her net worth

    I don’t think the average person needs to be aware of the boycotts or is a bad person from buying from Starbucks or McDonalds. I don’t even think Lana necessarily should know about the boycotts. Like I said before, the selfie is separate from my feelings, I felt this way before the selfie.

    Especially with Israel-Palestine, the media and the government is so incredibly biased that if one important celebrity spoke out, they could have an enormous impact. I do think that celebrities are very ignorant and if they spoke out, they would probably say the wrong thing. But I just think that in an era where pro-Israel propaganda is so deeply ingrained in American society, any attention would be good attention. I do think that when a genocide is happening, people with power should try to acknowledge it.

    I wanna end this by saying that I really admire you, you’re such a kind and articulate person on a website that can sometimes lack that. I appreciate having a back and forth. The fact that you’re educating yourself on Palestine now is very admirable and not something many would do.

  4. 1 minute ago, bluechemtrails said:

    damn, I think she just wanted to have a coke at the beach and there was no other option. I mean, you can boycott what you want, but you can't expect everyone else to know about that boycott or want to join it. Conversely, not boycotting does not necessarily mean support, and it's everyone's own decision.

    That’s not what I’m saying😭😭😭

    Her buying McDonalds doesn’t matter, I just used it as a springboard to talk about a larger issue

  5. 7 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    i just don't think we can really fault her for not knowing about the boycott, i'm still learning about the israel/palestine conflict, and i've found myself interested in learning more about it, but i didn't know people were boycotting mcdonald's, i'm sure there's 100s of places that could potentially be boycotted, but at that point, you pretty much wouldn't be able to purchase anything, and i don't think it's realistic to expect people to boycott companies we interact with frequently, and although i think we should make decisions that best align with our believes and morals, boycotting mcdonald's probably isn't going to do anything, especially since it's probably only being boycotted by a small number of people on social media, we support companies daily which are likely immoral or are unethical, and although we should care, and we should strive to make good choices, it isn't really realistic to completely boycott everything or to expect the general population to do so as well... most people can't realistically avoid supporting immoral companies, or they just simply don't care


    and, although i don't consider myself really educated enough on the conflict to really speak on it... i will say, if you're going to be mad at any celebrity, be mad at amy schumer or noah schnapp

    My point isn’t that she should be expected to know about the boycotts. I’m trying to say that she should use her many resources to educate herself about Israel-Palestine and make some positive change rather than remaining ignorant. I think the issue is a lot bigger than this one selfie, which I don’t actually care about. Schumer and Schnapp are separate issues, they’re not going to change or educate themselves. But I think if Lana, Taylor, Beyonce, etc. did they could cause some genuinely

    positive change. Obviously Lana isn’t necessarily as famous as Taylor or Beyonce, but she still has a huge platform. Personally, I think it’s the responsibility of celebrities to try to do good. That doesn’t necessarily mean researching every place that is being boycotted, but it does mean educating themselves and using their platform to speak out about what Palestine is experiencing. I’m not really mad at Lana, I still love her and her music. I just think that celebrities in general should use their platforms for good. This criticism I made of her doesn’t equate to hate, it’s just something I hope she can improve upon. But obviously, it’s a much wider issue than just Lana.

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