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Everything posted by LiquorOffTheTopShelf

  1. I’ve had to resell my two tickets for Dublin. They are listed on tickmaster if anyone is interested. The tickets are Block324 Row C Seats 15 and 16.
  2. After a very stressful couple of hours, I got tickets for the middle tier in Dublin, seated. It’s my first Lana concert and I’m sooo excited
  3. I went to bed last night thinking I can’t wait to get up in the morning so I can listen to the album. It’s really got a hold on me. Do we know if mother is censored in Fingertips on the vinyl? I still haven’t got mine yet
  4. So glad I didn’t listen to the leaks. First thoughts, Grandfather is just I wish we had more of Lanita, I like her
  5. No listening party in Ireland so none for me. Still haven’t listened to the leaks and it’s killing me sis
  6. I ordered the pill box as I take a lot of pills. I contacted my local record store and he said he’ll have the album in next Friday so I’m not going to stream it that morning. I’ll get up, drive to the store, come home, put the vinyl on and relax. It’s a beautiful life, remember that too
  7. I liked Did you know….. I loved A&W but with The Grants, Lana is literally getting into my soul. I can’t remember the last time I had a reaction like that with a song. I had a few tears. I’m so proud to stan
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