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  1. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by xaeon in SOPHIE   
    ANOHNI and Moses Sumney covering is it cold in the water!
  2. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Time in SOPHIE   
    This is in a way XCX World made real, if you think about it..
  3. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by sunni in SOPHIE   
    all the techno tracks should've been 10 minutes long if we wanna be real 
  4. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by sunni in SOPHIE   
    I wish Sophie made this album all techno cause it's kinda like peak Sophie idk 
  5. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by xaeon in SOPHIE   
    Coachella set was recorded very well by a professional in the crowd. 99% of all other recordings are just amateur off like ppls phones
  6. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by sunni in SOPHIE   
    Didn't benny say future Sophie releases were on the table that will be released under Sophie? I'm sure we will get it in the future when benny feels like coming back to finish some more songs to release as singles or as an ep like he said.
  7. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in SOPHIE   
    Signe shared the lyrics from DYWBA
    [cut off from the song]
    i bought the dream
    [end cut]
    they sold to me
    i got it on sale at dollar tree
    my p*ssys tight skin snowflake white
    youre grabbing me not putting up a fight
    daddy daddy please please
    gimme what i need need
    mmh, dont- dont-
    can i ask you a question?
    [incredibly faint and barely audible] ("i can't hear anything")
    Psychonic fucking vortex, of my deviant mythology
    an executive XXX-port, of my translucent infinity
    oh , what , ew , no?
    (baby werk it)
    (make me feel)

  8. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in SOPHIE   
  9. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by fossora in SOPHIE   
    We need the Big Freedia EP too pleaseee!!!!
  10. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in SOPHIE   
    BC Kingdom EP Big Freedia EP  
    Doss collabs
    - Tech Zone (c2c ID)
    - New York's Burning Down
    Burn Rubber - JIMMY EDGAR Sfire Compilation - Jeffrey Sfire The Dome's Protection (SOPHIE's bloopy version) - Nina Kraviz Album Sunscreen - LIZ & Tamta GIVE IT 2 ME - BIG SISTER (Signe Pierce) Don't Be Too Soft On Me Rework - Skrillex, Jozzy, & FEID  
    Possible droplets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Additional info vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    Make Em Cum (Fluid Rings) was also played by Jeffrey Sfire live, not sure if it will be released tbh
    Also the two unreleased Kalifa collabs - i dont think these will get released either
    Take Me To Dubai could still be released but I've no idea who would do it.
  11. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Fetiche in SOPHIE   
    Would kill to experience that omg. I’m seeing Nina Kraviz at a festival later this month I’m praying she drops some SOPHIE
  12. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in SOPHIE   
    let the droplets come! 
  13. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Fetiche in SOPHIE   
    bitch… yall need to go listen to this snippet I’m GAGGGING
  14. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Fetiche in SOPHIE   
    Beautiful words from Nina Kraviz. She confirmed she’ll be releasing the “SOPHIE bleepy version” of Dome’s Protection on her upcoming album (and included a snippet! Same as the one we heard on her Are We On Air? podcast episode)
  15. boom like that liked a post in a topic by wulgaren in SOPHIE   
    the comments under the live stream for the intro track are genuinely awful, so much hate. i hope the family won’t take it to heart…
  16. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by nochoice in SOPHIE   
    not saying the album is above criticism but idk I feel like it should be discussed with more care and compassion. the energy from some online music circles has been so depressing. 
  17. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Nigel Hitch in SOPHIE   
    does someone have a link to SOPHIE's unreleased masterposti want to download every single demo of ooh that we have
  18. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Danny Milk in SOPHIE   
    It was played during this show (i think it's the last ID track after JLWNSG) https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/sophie/2014/fortune-sound-club-vancouver-bc-canada-2bfe9466.html
  19. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Danny Milk in SOPHIE   
    pretty sure it's this, it's just a fan name https://soundcloud.com/vishwang/sophie-fiber?si=442bb62399de4c8fae4b1dc76ed22ad6&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  20. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by suibhne in SOPHIE   
  21. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Waimea Bay in SOPHIE   
    It's still shocking take me to dubai isn't on the album. It's one of my favorite tracks from Sophie. Really Manifesting a deluxe or smth
  22. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by MrsButtersWERK in SOPHIE   
    this won't happen but atp who knows, manifesting a sequel to PRODUCT that includes FIBER in some capacity. 
  23. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by MrsButtersWERK in SOPHIE   
    So by the looks of it were most certainly getting Burn Rubber 
  24. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in SOPHIE   
  25. wulgaren liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in SOPHIE   
    Intro Take Me To Dubai TransNation Plunging Asymptote Gallop New York's Burning Down Instruction Do You Wanna Be Alive Elegance Berlin Nightmare One More Time The Dome's Protection Las Vegas RaWwWwWwWw Spliff In My Ear Fly Bitch Love Me Off Earth Exhilarate Reason Why My Forever  
    The perfect 20 track double album imo. Every "genre" explored feels fleshed out , no abrupt transitions, i love this.
    as much as i love the other BCK collabs, they feel so much more at home with Day Off Work, Reverse & Stop, etc!
    So i just stuck those on a BCK EP similar to the basside one
    and I'm still trying to find a home for Always and Forever ...
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