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Jim Morrison

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Posts posted by Jim Morrison

  1. OMG! In his last interview he explained that he is not on twitter because he is working on music, when the host asked him what is next, are we getting something new after ATL? he replied yeah "some stuff", it seemed like he can't talk about....... JB2 is coming, glue your wigs!

  2. Love this album, Wals Could Talk is the only one i skip :/ Badlands was better tho, I guess I'm just overwhelmed by Dua, Iggy, Herby and others that are releasing right now, It's too much of a good shit for one day!

  3. ughh an hour and I'll listen to these bops again! Guys they did rebrand themselves because production is very urban now, it's not like an early disney shit type of music they did before, It still has a touch of Karmin sound tho but it's much better... I never liked them before but this EP is awesome

  4. I used to love Karmin but I haven't been keeping up with their latest projects. 

    So... is this a solo project with just Amy? Why the name change? 


    Do you have a link to the EP... I'd love to hear it!


    EDIT: Just realized the date in the video and it's not out yet lol.


    Have any of the songs been released yet?

    she posted a full EP on her website for a day and then removed it, all the songs are really good except Busta Rhymes... Wild & Gucci are my favorite... It's honestly their best work, at least for me 'cause I love urban music

  5. My top 10 tbh


    1. Dreams

    2. Garden

    3. Begging

    4. No Goodbye

    5. Bad Together

    6. New Rules

    7. Hotter Than Hell

    8. New Love

    9. Blow Your Mind

    10. Room For 2

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