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Jim Morrison

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Posts posted by Jim Morrison

  1. So rapists arent criminals?




    Non consensual intercourse isnt rape unless theres physical force?




    Piggyback is good music?



    It's not rape if she agreed to do that + she wanted to smoke weed and she bought the sex game/toy thing.. So yeah I know this is Melanie Martinez thread but stay off the Tumblr kids

  2. Truth or not, the music is good, and honestly there was no physical force or something 'cause in the end Timothy agreed to do it... I don't think we stan for some serial killer or any kind of criminal

  3. it's not like we're directly tagging him or talking to him, we're just spamming on a forum :makeup:

    Well he leaked the tracks on other forum and said to share them with lanaboards gays, and then when he checked here the first thing he saw was couple of you trashing the new bounce version instead of being grateful that you got something

  4. It's obvious we want more stuff, we are stans... Also i appreciate all we've got since now, i still bop to xcx3 so stop saying we're ungrateful! You are just sucking up dennis ass with these comments, as if you wouldn't like more stuff or exchange songs. So hypocritical

    We would all like more but annoying him with the requests "leak this, leak that" or shiting on anything he leaks won't make him leak the other tracks

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