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Greta Bowie

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Posts posted by Greta Bowie

  1. i have this feeling that the ticket sales for this show aren't going too well (hopefully, I'm wrong), but anyway, I'm hoping she'll come up with a new setlist featuring songs from NTMT and the B-sides, maybe even a new one from Masochism.

  2. 3 hours ago, allmybirdsofparadise said:

    Just read about the recent shitshow on Twitter. It's beyond stale watching the few fans she has left continuously try to excuse her unprofessionalism. It's always someone else's fault. Anyone but Sky's.

    For me, this is the worst part. I think when you deal with the public, you have to be ready for criticism. It seems to me that you can't speak up or complain about something that clearly isn't good. Just because I like an artist doesn't mean they can show up whenever they want for a service I'm paying for, especially when it's scheduled, and not even give a clear explanation. This situation goes beyond her connection with the record label or anything like that.

  3. 38 minutes ago, DownhillLullaby said:


    It's getting harder and harder and for someone who speaks on being perfectionist, it really doesn't show some compromise. I'm sorry but this starting the gig's late isn't to be glamorized or forgiven at all. Of course sometimes things just get on the way but always? It's been told here and there, but she should learn her lesson and improve things, or she'll lose the rest of the fans she has... 

    She's so irresponsible with her fans, after all the support over all these years without any kind of new album or anything. Being punctual for the show is the most basic thing to do. I wonder how long her "talent" will cover up the lack of commitment to her own work.

  4. 2 hours ago, hisdruidess said:

    Sky not posting about it? Kinda expected. We know she’s not the most active on social media. 

    Isn't she active on social media? Her life seems to revolve around liking posts from other artists. She may not even post anything on her account, but she probably spends a significant amount of time consuming and viewing posts and stories from accounts on Instagram. She's not as passive as she appears to be.

  5. I have the impression that lately she is being talked about more by people other than here, it's really as if we are waiting for a sign from her... WE ALL miss the tortured little girl

  6. 1 hora atrás, Air disse:

    Obviamente há músicas que não conhecemos... Alguém tão perfeccionista como Sky lançaria um álbum com o que nunca temos atualmente desta forma. Não há coesão, não há ritmo cuidadoso, não há estrutura narrativa abrangente. 

    Na verdade, uma parte significativa das músicas muitas vezes se aprofunda no tema de alguém preso em um ciclo repetitivo e vicioso e, mesmo sabendo disso, não consegue se libertar porque isso já se tornou parte deles, mesmo que seja algo destrutivo. Sempre achei que nomear o álbum como ‘Masochism’ foi uma excelente escolha. Ao contrário da conotação comum da palavra, parece transmitir a mensagem de alguém enredado em comportamentos repetitivos e autodestrutivos, incapaz de se libertar. Ao mesmo tempo, obtêm certo prazer com essas ações, apesar do sofrimento que trazem...

  7. 48 minutes ago, 111 said:

    your favourite sky hater had announced downhill flop was coming 2 weeks prior



    were they "pressuring" her to release something that year or was it her own choice?

  8. 37 minutes ago, glitch diva said:

    All My Lovers Die, Descending Final, Downhill Lullaby 2022, The Guardian Demo and Guardian Final are all circulating.

    SHE IS COMING :oprah4::oprah4::oprah4:

  9. 9 hours ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

    Sky Ferreira Instagram IG Story Archive:

    Sky mentions the Rolling Stone article


    Billboard, freeskyferreira, rolling stone


    August 17th, 2023



    What stops you from talking now? some poor guy paid a fortune to do this joke wanting to help, this already came out on two highly credible portals and that's all she says?

  10. 1 hour ago, Kristine said:

    At this point she really needs to release a podcast to explain what in the actual fuck has been going on the past 10 years. It would be riveting

    she will make up so many lies about the album being late that we will have content for a podcast, book and documentary :oprah4::oprah4::oprah4:

  11. 11 hours ago, melodrama said:

    Doja is listening to her on Insta stories 

    how is it possible that this company has not recognized the potential of this woman after the success of this tour and even the recognition of other artists with her songs even after SO MANY YEARS....... this does not make sense

  12. ntmt's songs have always been very important to me, but seriously, I don't know if I would pay to go to a concert to hear the same songs as ten years ago (with the exception of some unpublished ones). I think most people must be a little resentful/worried about how these shows will go due to last year's disasters. honestly the only way to leverage these shows would be to release something before, otherwise I think it's more profitable to save your money to go to the concert of any artist other than her, sorry.:true:

  13. 2 hours ago, 111 said:


    She started teasing DF release in March. (nobody made her do that) Kept delaying it cause the video wasn't ready. Why? Because she didn't like it, fired the editor and took it upon herself to edit it (nobody made her do that) delaying the song release for over 2 months. She eventually gave up and told Capitol to release the song without the video being ready. I posted the initial date it was coming on with that ugly cover, she then changed her mind and delayed the release for another week (nobody made her do that) to replace the cover with a cuter pic from the video. She then went on a press tour all summer repeatedly insisting that the video and the album are coming in 2023 (nobody made her do that), giving contradictory statements like "the album is finished, just needs a bit of touch-up" in one interview to "the album is almost finished, I still need to write a few songs" on another (nobody made her do that). She also showed up late and looking ill to these interviews. She then went on a mini tour (nobody made her do that), swaying around on a stage she showed up late to (she has maybe showed up on time ONCE), never finishing a full set and firing the tour sound engineer because they couldn't make her decaying, off-key, atrophied vocals sound good. When questioned about her lateness to one of these shows, she non chalantly claimed she was in a car accident with no proof whatsoever. (nobody made her do that) After a disastrous and unprofessional festival tour, she started being shady to Capitol and Halsey with snarky comments and stories (nobody made her do that), giving the middle finger in front of the Capitol building (30 year old woman). She started teasing her next single Descending (nobody made her do that), complaining that it was the song she wanted to put out. She figured out that she can manipulate her dumb stans to boost her ego on her journey of self victimisation and pathological narcissistic attention seeking by addressing the rotted Free Sky Ferreira community with her mother using vague comments and likes. Over a decade she fell out with many people in the industry such as Elton John, Dev Hynes and apparently with Jorge, her main producer and writer for Masochism because of her antics. Anyone who still gives her the benefit of doubt or has any respect for her should be ashamed of feeding into her load of bullshit and enabling her. 

    she is so snobby

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