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Posts posted by theworldspins

  1. BB is a beautiful album overall, but there are some awkward, confusing moments, and the mixing/mastering is incredibly disappointing and does tarnish the immersive experience. As others have said though it does feel like a swan song to her singer-songwriter era that started with NFR (and maybe even LFL in parts). It's thrilling knowing she could go in literally any direction now

  2. 8 minutes ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:


    There's pictures and videos of her at a BLM rally, so she actually did go to a protest. It's not like she's saying it to say it, it's relative because she broke up with a boyfriend who was a cop at the time. She's not singing to her fans but to herself and people in her life and we just happen to get to be hearing it. She's always talked about things relative to her. All the way back to AKA, she's talked about things happening around her since the beginning. This isn't anything new. If you missed that part of Miss LDR maybe you haven't paid enough attention?


    Oh I know, I was just poking fun at the absurdity of the situation (people calling her those things in the first place), not trying to be serious. I just feel like she has a tendency to include lyrics that are a bit jarring and out of place, like the "tour lyfe" lyric on HIAB, that kinda disrupt the flow of the song and feel too...meta? or something idk lol

  3. 9 minutes ago, Crimson and Clover said:

    as long as there’s no weird BLM line or non-reworked demos (or anything similar) I’m fine with whatever she gives us. I’m a simple person :creep: although I do think she should do something she hasn’t done before, I’m somewhat partial to more electronic genres like trip hop, future garage, deep house, balearic beat, indietronica, etc her vocals would be so good :wub: obviously it’s not happening but a gay can dream.


    I can't stand when she shoehorns weird, unnatural lyrics like the BLM one into her songs. Like girl, you're not going to beat the racism or Republican allegations by singing about being at a BLM rally...those who've labeled her those things aren't going to change their minds, likely ever. In that vein I hope she's less self-conscious on this album, if that makes sense, singing about whatever she feels led to, not what she feels will receive more approval by critics or listeners

  4. 3 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


    the fact that this debate had people GENUINELY BELIEVING that if somebody didn’t get vaccinated for covid-19 that they should be locked-up and thrown in jail until they decide to get the vaccine, that was so fucking ridiculous and honestly very concerning

    i actually never got the vaccine because around the time it was new and largely discussed i was deep into my intense anxiety disorder and couldn’t leave the house, and now i just don’t know if there’s a point to it because it’s been so long and i feel like the attitude towards covid-19 is shifting (which i know is probably not a great reason not to do something) but i don’t necessarily believe it’s dangerous, i’m actually extremely pro-vax generally, like, i 100% believe that you should get your kids vaccinated for all the things you usually get vaccinated for, but the fact that people couldn’t even ask questions or be doubtful about this NEW vaccine without people completely shutting them down and attacking them for being ”anti-vaxxers” was really concerning to see and likely a symptom of everybody’s insatiable need to be “correct” instead of looking at certain subjects/issues with balance and common-sense instead of saying what everybody else was saying without any actual thought going into it, that’s not to say that people should go around spreading disinformation, but people should be allowed to ask questions, have doubts, and ultimately, make their own decisions regarding the vaccine

    but i’d like to clarify that this does not mean i support baseless conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccine such as the government implanting microchips into people, that shit was dumb


    Agree with everything here, and this obsessive need to be on the side of newly-minted politics of compassion and empathy was fueled by politicians and media alike, both of which constantly disparaged and vilified those who were doubtful about the vaccine. I think there was a complete breakdown of nuance during this time, wherein people resorted to ideological tribalism out of fear, which I can empathize with given the intensity and pervasiveness of the pandemic's effects. There was also political and social unrest that accelerated the divide in my opinion. Pro-vax as well and I totally understand why people would get the covid vaccine, especially if they have health issues that render them particularly vulnerable to severe illness, but the idea that you're inflicting disease and chaos upon the world by not getting vaccinated against covid was always more of a manipulative marketing tactic designed to increase uptake than it was a scientific reality

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