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Posts posted by EARTHA

  1. its a lot of political posturing so everyone on an internet forum can know just how virtuous and empathetic you are, tearing down the RACISM, FASCISM, AND COLONIALISM that's devastated so many.  idgaf one way or another about the queen, but some of yall are so fucking retarded with this shit.  who are you helping posting on lanaboards to let everyone know how RIGHT your opinion is and GOOD you are as a person.  everyone here has a computer and internet access, doubtless youve got food and shelter too!  a lot of people wanna whine about oppression and all this, when theyd have no idea what that looks like because theyve never experienced anything close.  yes, the british empire did horrible things.  theres all sorts of atrocities have occurred throughout history and societies all over the globe.  i think this false dichotomy where one side is faultless and victimized and another is, as some in the thread have said, literally evil and terrible, is just so reductive and absurd.  let people feel how they feel about the damn queen on this meaningless corner of the internet.  how exactly are anyones OH SO HOLY WISE VIRTUOUS SAVIOR COME TO SAVE THE IGNORANT FROM THEMSELVES comments helpful to anyone who is actually oppressed at present -- i.e. doesnt have food, shelter, clean air, clean water?  grow the fuck up.  you can whine about whatever histories whatever identity groups have faced till youre blue in the face, and youre not doing shit for someone going hungry.  which btw, occurs all over the world, even in the UK.  fight the "oppression" in your own backyard before moaning about some shit on a goddamn pop music forum so you can seem smart and "on the right side."  the posturing.  the privileged pretending their BELIEFS efface the power they hold.  yall think queen elizabeth should have given all stolen british wealth back to whence it came, abolished the monarchy, and established all "white" people as servants for all "POC" until someone decided theyd had enough?  well go ahead and sell everything you own and give it to the poor or shut the fuck up with your senseless arrogant whining thats completely divorced from reality.


    mod note: user has been warned for this post

  2. wow this news is honestly sending me today.  i actually knew the queen.  we hadn't spoken or met for a few years, but i fondly remember the times i spent with her.  a decade back, she was really going thru tough stuff emotionally just thinking about how being queen had sort of prevented her from ever having like a hot girl summer, you know? or a slut phase. or even a single rebellious phase.  anyway, she would sneak out of buckingham palace and get in my car and we'd go clubbing. shed always put on a cute disguise, and it was really cool seeing her sense of style and fashion blossom in like hot clubbing outfits.  she always had really cute dresses and accessories because she was rich as hell, but shed also get these really hot wigs that made her look like a totally different person.  i will always remember the time we got kicked out of the bar, went to taco bell, and drove and sat in my car at this lookout spot on a famous cliff and smoked a joint and listened to Born to Die for the first time... girl i will MISS you!  gone but not forgotten, seriously.  RIP Lizzy

  3. i feel like Björk is so in her own lane and giving so much "eternal musical genius prodigy" that the big music critics dont dare touch any sort of negativity or examining her (admittedly incredible and amazing) art as like a layperson.  she is absolutely groundbreaking and doing stuff no one else does, and playing with the possibilities of sound and music, and i'm so grateful.  but i do wonder what it would be like if she tried to make even just one new song that could be immediately accessed and understood by someone who hasn't been initiated into the musical scaffolding of Björk. 

    she used to make bops

    now its all this discordant weird time signatures stuff thats brilliant but i know this bitch has it in her to serve another bop.  even just one!

  4. i absolutely love it.  somehow this song is accessed more easily than a lot of her other lead singles in recent years.  it's perfect for this time, for what we're going through.  so much of modern politics concerns how people with differing identities are absolutely disparate, disconnected from others, with experiences unable to be understood, but we are all human.  our differences are irrelevant.  placing this wall between us and others is just excuses to Not connect.  i've personally been struggling with this thing:  when i try to be kind to others, open, generous, personable, i am opening myself to vulnerability, to the possibility of rejection.  i started a new job where i try to be nice to everyone, to introduce myself and be kind, be open.  but some people shut me down, be rude, make me feel hurt for even trying.  and i think, if i close myself off, don't be nice, don't open myself to that vulnerability to rejection, i don't have to deal with this.  but if i do that, i also shut myself off from any possible connection with the beautiful, wonderful others who i love to get to know.  Bjork is really coming thru.  this is so timely, important, relevant, meaninglful.  we HAVE to connect.  our plants MUST reach out, within reason, to see we are all one wondrous, indescribable, ineffable living organism called THE EARTH

  5. 7 hours ago, LifeOnMars said:

    Yeah he looks like any guy from the rural Midwest to me. Also what does he even do for a living? I know he is in a band, but they release music like once every 10 years and they don’t appear to be that successful despite having a small cult following. 

    i think thats the appeal. hes a regular down to earth hunk, not like the pretty boys that populate LA.  his band was pretty influential and its good if youre into that kind of music

  6. 1 hour ago, honey dew said:

    The thing we have to remember is that however raw dog rifle up the ***** sausage and smegma sandwiches armpit asphyxiation father figure this man APPEARS to be, he curates this on instagram which automatically makes it a performance which automatically makes him gay feminine and neurotic

    sadly, this is the best take down of Jack Donoghue's masculinity I have seen yet.  i want to believe, but you're right.  no real man would be postin on instagram ad nauseum :( he really is sexually fluid

    1 hour ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

    I don't get the issue with this whole "queer bating" thing. Girls kiss eachother for jokes too but it doesn't make them lesbians or "lesbian bating". Some guys are just more open with their sexuality but it doesn't define it. It's actually nice to see. I feel like the term came from a bunch of bitter gays lol

    i agree tbh, but also i've never seen "queer baiting" used to refer to guys who actually kiss each other.  that's just straight up gay activity.  it's the guys who really try hard to include "gender bending" fashion in their horrible ugly anti-fashion outfits and reference gay sex without ever having had it, that sort of thing.  let dudes and women kiss each other, that's way ballsier than this new era of reinstating the closet as a safe space

  7. i do get very watery vibes from the psychic vibes in the ether surrounding the new record. large bodies of water, with many complex creatures in them, plant and animal, living and dead, nice and not...  cold, ice cold.  pockets of warmth, where the sun shines through.  deciphering ancient conflicts and contentions, allowing the subconscious to speak freely without intervention or filter.  coming to new understandings by working through old areas of toxicity and pain that heretofore was too difficult to acknowledge, but now the ability to face has come.

    May today's New Moon bring New News regarding the New Album.  October 14th be upon us soon enough

  8. i think Lana has a lot more control in the studio, even or especially with Jack, than people wanna give her credit for.  beginning with NFR and increasing through BB, her songs have included more of a wildness, even a messiness, that's more folky, more raw, than her very much polished early work.  critics derided BTD for being over-produced.  yet with her recent albums, she discusses in her lyrics and interviews her drive towards wildness and freedom, and i think you can really hear it in the music.  when the last three albums first came out, i loved them, but i was a little critical of the difference between them and her prior work.  now, i feel like it's sunk in more, like i finally get it.  she just produces beautiful art naturally, and she's become more real and more intimate/personal in her music and lyrics.  the more time passes since Blue Banisters, the more I appreciate the direction she's been moving in.  it feels so natural, and like she wants to be more natural.  she wants her music to be honest, natural, real, raw, even or especially if that's "messy" or wild.  she expresses being wild a lot.  she talks about wanting to get away from the city, from LA or NY, and explores more small town USA feels, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, more middle America type stuff, going to the mall, doing mundane tasks like washing hair or laundry.  i think it's totally Lana's choice and her own direction taking her to the sound she has now, and tbh I love it.


    and that being said, i think a country vibe is the perfect next step and i really want her country album, sorry ladies :(


  9. 24 minutes ago, Brow Bone said:

     So many questions Screen-Shot-2022-08-25-at-10-39-03-AM.pn

    No questions, only propositions

    22 minutes ago, PARADIXO said:


    It is tragic that you reject the beauty of True Masculinity in favor of Anesthetized Maleness.  Trading a Natural Horned God for a civilized man in a tailored suit who shaves his pubes and has no scent that he hasn't purchased from a department store, who emasculates himself in subordination of the Wicked Machine that strips us all of any wildness or freedom in favor of pre-approved commercialized order, anti-eroticism, and neurotic anxieties over grooming/appearance/hygiene.  No, you could never appreciate (or attain) a man like this, a Real Man.  Lana sees the mystical wild beauty behind the untamed eyes and body of Jack Donoghue.  The testosterone emanates from his every pore.  They are the perfect union of God and Goddess, true Pagan archetypes, the type of couple you'd see, exhilarating in their Aliveness, being hot and casual at a gas station in America's farmland.  May their Domain spread with fervent feral passion, pervading the deadness and soullessness of modern life and all its empty algorithms with the True Living Nature Of The Good Life And All The Beautiful Men And Women In It (But I Have It).  God Bless and Amen :pray2:

  10. 13 minutes ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

    Don’t know what she sees in him…


    I think it may be his undeniable masculine aura of all American, down and dirty, rough and rugged, strong, beautiful hotness.  So glad she's stepping away from the overly groomed preening lil fuckbois in favor of real men

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