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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. Fuck it, bought a ticket, he can’t sign for everybody in 15 mins lol
  2. I’m tempted to buy and see if I can make it.. it’s a risk though! I’ve messaged the store to see if turning up 15/20 mins late would still be ok
  3. Don’t think I’ll get there in time, I don’t get in to London until 12.40
  4. How do I be knowing every word do every song and she can’t remember when she literally wrote them anyway.. still no hq footage??
  5. So sad there isn’t an official dream of this.. from all those shitty LQ lives she sounds so good and seems like the mic issues were resolved?? Like even though it’s a live I can actually hear her singing this time! And she looked beautiful as ever hopefully MITA give us the goods and put that recording on YouTube!
  6. Not me who has been in hotel after concert for about an hour now and just can’t sleep until I see her opener lol.,
  7. Hope it’s uploaded to YouTube quickly.. I can’t tune in tonight but I have a child free night tomorrow so definitely could get some drinks and food in for the occasion
  8. In Rolling Stones interview she claimed she needed her hair blonde in lockdown because she’s naturally very fair haired lol but I feel like her roots always looked darker
  9. Del Rey dear on insta put a countdown for this performance for in 12 hours? I thought it was going to be Saturday night? either way I can’t watch tonight as I have a long drive tomorrow! But would be fab to watch this in morning
  10. I instantly linked these lyrics to fingertips soo, I thought maybe it’s the same experience
  11. I remember when video games hit radio and I loved it and one day on the drive to school my friend ranting how they hated this song and it was soooo depressing it was just the beginning of being a misunderstood Lana Del Rey fan
  12. Not nepo mommy tho and the interviewer noting that patty wasn’t present.. like ok.. cringe!! We know Lana has a difficult relationship with her mother.. we knew patty wasn’t there just leave it out lol
  13. I skim read until it was actual interview bits, I thought what was nice was all of them saying they don’t care what people would say about them.. because if Lana took note of what they said she’d have thrown herself off a bridge lol then Rob making it very clear Lana made her name all on her own.. not because of his money etc. something which always seemed ridiculous to me that people claim
  14. Love the interactions but god that was hard to read, didn’t like the way it was written.. sorry journalist
  15. I was just trying to be realistic though pwyc ain’t going anywhere lol!
  16. I hope she debuts a never performed song in the place of flip side for every show! Just so we can have live performances to watch of things we’ve never seen before
  17. Missed the prints! Never mind! love the new track!
  18. Anyway.. my mam has called it.. she was tattooing me a couple days ago and said.. ”did you see that Lana del rey has released a single from her next album already?” .. I said.. “say yes to heaven??” She said yeah.. (bless her) Ultravaults when?
  19. I read that headliner typically gets on stage at 8 and the end of show is 10.30, so if that’s the case there’s much more time for a bigger set list.. I wonder what she does
  20. I feel like I’d be a bit fuming too if my old song started doing better than the stuff she’s currently creating.. I dunno.. I think I’d take it personally
  21. I can’t wait to see what she wears this week so sad I won’t be able to watch it live this time! Hope it’s uploaded to YouTube quickly like last weeks!
  22. Regardless of everything else.. NFR is just vibes, not sure how anybody can hate it
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