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Everything posted by dxniell

  1. I have just absorbed an overwhelming amount of information wow
  2. Would I be bothering u if I asked u to elaborate, if not then go ahead xx edit:nvm someone gave some links much luv thank you
  3. Pls tell me what they did I’m so #curious
  4. omg crazy idea so what if all the insiders do a mass leak and whoever leaks the most is basically the best insider and that will conclude the discussion? good idea or no
  5. new lore just dropped so excited
  6. remember it like it was just yesterday that collapse occurred
  7. ethel cain- knuckle velvet then probably C U L8r Alligator
  8. how do we get them back online pls xx
  9. im loving this first photo its so cute
  10. i feel like another question that should be asked is how much material does this 'ultimate' insider have that we currently dont have or know of its existence edit: oh also if there is diff insiders with like different kinds of material such as videos/photos/information?
  11. Ok pls do and share the songs with me the unreleased syndrome or whatever its called is very strong, thanks xx
  12. she needs to make a return fr 🤞
  13. I think at the end of the day an insider should just give me be my daddy (daddy’s girl demo) with lana singing the chorus in the higher register and I would really be greatful ☺️. oh and maybe add dead to me much love xx
  14. Icl I don’t know wether what was said to me is new information and I don’t want to upset anyone so there will be no spilling from me very sorry xx
  15. Not that I know of? , we were texting on the lana del rey discord and then he just kind of discussed some theories on dm with me and that was all
  16. me and @WaitForLife had a chat about this on discord, so interesting that this thread popped up now ☺️
  17. the vibrations on robs camera is giving musically shake and im living for it
  18. I wonder what the dance would look like, I imagine a whole turning sequence followed by multiple aerials and flips, then maybe some twerking 😍
  19. Literally this twink had a go at me and my friend for ‘pushing’ when we were being pushed from each side. also should mention he only sang summertime sadness and video games and made sure he blocked my view the whole time ☺️
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