The mixing quality on both albums is bad in different ways, but one isn't worse than the other. Even though the execution of sound could be better on both, I think the production/soundscape on Blue Banisters is better. Ocean Blvd is very soft, piano-heavy, and relies on multiple samples of ambient artists like AK and SYML. The interludes are unnecessary, and the song structure on the album is lacking. Long intros and outros means less substance, making the album feel a little like there's too much filler and not enough Lana. On Blue Banisters, the production is stronger and bolder (aside from a couple songs like the title track). The piano-heavy songs are still fuller than Ocean Blvd's, with warm and acoustic instrumentation. The addition of the UV outtakes may be lazy, but I think they work perfectly on the album and don't stand out at all. The album feels cohesive, and I think its only downfall is the actual mixing and sound quality. Thematically, I don't really think she comes off as "strong" on either album. Both albums are her two most vulnerable ones in her discography; however, Ocean Blvd just deals with heavier topics in a more free-verse, poetry style, stream of consciousness type of lyricism, while the songwriting on Blue Banisters seems a little more polished and traditional overall.