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Everything posted by Jackflash

  1. Okay thanks. And when is the Livenation presale?
  2. Tickets for the presale only possible with AXS and no ticketmaster???
  3. Thanks for this clarification, but I have still some questions. So is a 'stage thrust' the same as a catwalk? In that case, will the Diamond and Gold circle area's be as presented (diamond smaller and not optimal viewing angle), or will they exactly have the same space (one left of stage, the other right)?
  4. okay, question for the BST Hyde Park experienced visitors. I have studied the map of the festival and definitely want to go for Golden circle tickets. But also considering Diamond tickets. The Diamond area should be more 'exclusive' I guess (regarding the price difference), but looking at how it is positioned to the stage, the view seems not as good as the Golden circle view. Diamond view is partly on the side of the stage and partly only on the left side of the stage. It doesn't seem to make sense to me. Is the map layout not the definite one? Did I miss something? Also, the area's seem to differ from weekend to weekend. The Diamond area at the PINK concert for instance does not have the same shape as the Lana concert. Really confusing. Anyone can shed some light on this?
  5. So, are there any solid rumors of Lana doing a whole tour? Or will it just be this one (or maybe some other) festival? I live in The Netherlands and would really like to see her live. I had tickets for the Amsterdam Show on the eve of the Covid pandemics, but that was cancelled as we all know. I really like her albums (especially the recent ones) but they are meant to be to heard live. So who has some news?
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