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angry bitch no1 ob defender

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Everything posted by angry bitch no1 ob defender

  1. someone on twt said the abbreviation DYKTTIATUOB is pronounced as dick tattoo now i cant stop thinking about it 😭
  2. maybe its a sign that you should close your window babes why tf is there a butterfly in your room
  3. the snippet hasn't left my head the whole day and now im thinking it might be one of my faves like....
  4. i have huge expectations from candy necklace because just judging by the snippet, the way she sings the words it is like she is remembering/reliving a moment and she is singing whatever is being remembered in her brain and for some reason it sounds so sad and moving. the fact that some insider said it starts out as a piano centric song that later turns into something bigger makes me even more excited about it. on top of that, the way we know nothing about it except one snippet that was posted by lana herself, which plays in my head all the time. i am just so curious about that song.
  5. what if the ben's "major album campaign 🚀" idea is... actually the leaks themselves... what if they are all behind all this... what if rosemead exclusive baby is ben...
  6. i know but i got so angry gosh, this is the record she is finally telling her story after being misunderstood for so many years for her own fans to keep misleading the point of the record. it is frustrating as fuck. apologies to everyone that i bothered w my angry episode, gon b more careful from now on but it was rly nervewrecking to see all that being written by a lana fan about a record that lana has told so many times about how personal and special it is. she is letting us see her most vulnerable and this is what some ppl do in return. idk.
  7. did u fucking miss the whole point of this record or what. she literally herself said that she wants to tell a story/give out an impression w each picture. and the songs are literally recorded thru her iphone voice recorder in one take and with automatic singing, only thing they have done is editing the vocals and thats all. she does not give a fuck about charts, she is telling her story. u can fucking hear the static noise of the vocals in fingertips for gods sake. some of yall are trying too hard to look different and edgy w yalls corny ass opinions here, get a life or a job and stay off internet f slur mod note: stop being rude or you will get another warning point
  8. bitch how is releasing AW is moving to a chart friendly direction, that song debuted on bubbling under. fuckhead i swear to god Mod note: don't be rude
  9. bitch do you have zero functioning brain cells or what. in what world does any of that mean she cares abt streams and especially what the fuck do u mean by the weight commentary. go back to tiktok, stick to twitter or something, each reply i see from u gets worse and worse and worse. you motherfucking piece of crap, all you know to do is to be disrespectful and say dumbshit, is there a way to kick a member out of the site or smth mod note: don't be rude
  10. yes yes yes but like, i sometimes can't help but wonder what if she started the album with the "three white butterflies to know you're near" but not with the grandfather song. i mean it wouldn't make sense thematically but like it would create such a beautiful sonic introduction to the album's sound
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