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westy coasty

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Posts posted by westy coasty

  1. 21 minutes ago, LBcita said:

    See, BlackOutZone is the king of the “idk tho” He loves to present entirely speculative opinions

    “so perhaps her original idea was to release the album in 2013 alongside the visuals”

    “personally only treat JFK, I Don't Wanna Go, Starry Eyed as Paradise outtakes, but this all remains debatable.”

    “it must have only been”

    Which are then ran with by him and y’all as fact simply because recently he’s been able to leak tracklists (actual matters of fact).

    Even during Blue Banisters he was walking the middle line by making claims that could be verified (but weren’t) and then retracting them (X song is gonna be on the album…jk she changed her mind).


    Was BlackOutZone right on some tracklist related things and announcements of recent songs? Definitely, and I’m sure the label connection that traced him to be the source of all these leaks and told him to stop has cut off his access. Does BlackOutZone know literally anything about mixing, mastering, or the way songs got recorded or leaked in 2016, or what the hell Lana was up to in 2013? No, and it’s time for you all to stop pretending he does.

    you might have a point there :judgingu3:

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