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Everything posted by Dusk

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised but like glitch pop is a whole genre and there are zero aspects of cn which fall under it
  2. I cant imagine this however bringing up the screaming track is kinda genius I think this glitch pop situation could have smth to do with that
  3. am I being delulu or does this mean that we aren’t getting the version we heard
  4. or if it’s the opposite and the vinyl has the updated version which may account for the delays..
  5. this entire prerelease has been a never ending nightmare but i’m living for it
  6. have any of our theories been correct so far PLS SPILL that’s all we need to know
  7. ORRRR the vinyls have the newer version and that’s the version we have heard and the “glitch-pop” one is for streaming..
  8. ok even tho I absolutely love the cn we have rn if that is the official vinyl version and we get a diff version for streaming I wouldn’t be THATTT upset
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