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Rusted iron gates

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About Rusted iron gates

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  1. https://x.com/leo1delrey/status/1788720601722495284?s=61 Is this AI? If it is I’m scared
  2. Will the performance be uploaded somewhere???? For us who can’t watch live
  3. Good lord I repent for my indiscretions please find it in your heart to forgive this lowly peasant
  4. Father John misty said at his concert yesterday, that Lana told him the guy she wrote Norman about was really 5,8 and not 6ft as she says in the song. Is this new information? Because I’m pretty sure we didn’t know with a 100% certainty who the song is about…
  5. I need the next t*ink who finds her on the street to kindly ask her to reconsider writing a second poetry book. Her poetry is so beautiful violet really is a masterpiece and the whole fandom pays it dust. WAKE UP SHEEOPLE WHERE ARE THE PETITIONS THE PROTESTS THE CAMPAIGNS for a second book.
  6. It’s not even that bad my theory is that get free for a lot of people represents a very bad time in the fandom…… it’s like emotional attachment but in a bad way
  7. Why does everyone hate get free btw? It’s certainly not a great song but also not her worst… not even the worst on the album (let me screech in your ears like a woman)
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