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Everything posted by angelsforeveer

  1. do you think she planned on calling out sean in front of 60k people or was it more of a spur of the moment kinda thing?
  2. 1. Norman fucking rockwell 2. Ocean blvd 3. Ultraviolence 4. Born to die 5. Blue bannisters 6. Lust for life 7. Chemtrails 8. Honeymoon
  3. also i saw someone wearing a ‘lasagne del rey’ t shirt………
  4. yeah i’m ngl i didn’t get too close to the barricade because of the amount of locals shoving me, my anxiety was through the roof
  5. i wonder if i unknowingly spoke to any of you today
  6. i cannot believe she called out the cop like that………. i was gagged
  7. i’m leaving very early in the morning or i would !
  8. I would live-stream but i will be crying screaming throwing up
  9. my friend who went to billy joel said to bring your wellies girls ! apparently it is muddy
  10. this is so surreal because i was shopping in those vintage stores literally a month ago
  11. hypothetically, if white mustang was removed from the setlist i would be okay with it… but don’t touch cherry
  12. i know weather forecasts ain’t the best but it says it will rain a little up until midday
  13. i think it’s likely we get a switch up with so many supporting acts being featured on DYKTTATUOB, at the very least let the light in !
  14. honestly hyde park setlist is going to devour
  15. i’m dyingggg at how she just walked past rob
  16. omg her little ‘lost at sea’ reference was SO cute
  17. you’re kidding……… i’m planning on doing a 60s beehive for the show
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