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venice biotch

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Everything posted by venice biotch

  1. venice biotch

    Taylor Swift

    Some rep tv theories are just craz. Like most of them sound "Today taylor wore these shoes, the designer of them died in 1234 and where else is 1 2 3 mentioned? delicate, one two three lets go bitch!, so reputation is next. this designer was named *name name* wish is 15 letters in total, when you multiply 15 x 1234 its 18510. 18 may 2010, on this day she had a performane at *city* and wore this dress designed by your mom, which means rep tv comes out 13.12.2024 which is her birthday and shes getting her reputation back BOOM whos clowning with me?🤡" i could go more like them but this is how everything kinda sounds. personally i dont think any re-realese is coming until 2025
  2. https://youtu.be/QXKvjyoH5lM?si=s3a-CU7h9yOd6RlK
  3. venice biotch

    Taylor Swift

    OMG A NEW DRESS FOR SPEAK NOW! its like purple top fading into silver-ish skirt
  4. "shot"? wdym? with one of these? no but "shot"? really wdym
  5. venice biotch

    Taylor Swift

    oh my god shes playing the 1 on guitar, mashup with wonderland i almost do x the moment i knew
  6. This is Natalia Nykiel - Error
  7. isnt a full moon at the same day everywhere in the world? anyway its gonna be cool
  8. what song are you talking about, all of my braincells are working and i cant figure out this acronym
  9. venice biotch

    Taylor Swift

    guys shes wearing a new dress for fearless!!
  10. venice biotch

    Song vs. Song

    Without you vs money power glory
  11. venice biotch

    Charli XCX

    Never really listened to her but 365 is a fucking banger , i love it!
  12. blue banisters nfr uv ocean blvd btd paradise lust for life honeymoon chemtrails this feels so wrong but so correctv
  13. venice biotch

    Taylor Swift

    Theres still the prophecy✨
  14. Im actually scared that the downfall of literature is close... a polish label that publishes books and stuff (forgot how its called in english) is known for publishing books straight from...wattpad... they are known for their books being absolutly the worst shit that u will ever see in your life. when they have a book coming soon they post little hints on twitter whats gonna be in it. in the last tweet they said thing like moving to a new city, first year in college, bad decisions and the last thing was grooming, excuse me what? i know what type of book its gonna be and its proably going to romanticize it like many other fucked up things and show it in a good way? the probably the characters will fall in love and have sex every 5 pages. i cant belive how low these books are and every single one has the same plot. geeez
  15. This is such a banger and it brings me so much nostalgia from like 2016-18, cause this was the song blasting on the radio when youre dying in an overheated car on a 6 hour carride to the baltic sea to sit in the hotel for 5 days cause its raining non stop
  16. Guilty pleasure dropped, what the hell is dicksea damelio doing there
  17. venice biotch

    Taylor Swift

    Live from Stockholm, how did it, peter end and gulity as sin on her website...
  18. On july 5 they said that its still coming this year, where is this info from anyway?
  19. I dont know who made this photo or edited it but its AMAZING
  20. venice biotch

    Song vs. Song

    ooo maybe fishtail, and im the biggest fan of your pfp and name, so cute fishtail vs tulsa jesus freak
  21. I dont know where to post this, but this lady did a pretty cool job painting Lana with bodypaint on her neck-chest https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeGodH7s/ (oh i just noticed that i put this in the wrong thread by accident, it was supposed to be on the random lana disscusion, if mods could move it there if they can, thank you)
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