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Everything posted by laurita

  1. good one! so im going to lose my back in the summer.. i cant waaaait
  2. so if you want a ticket for a seat in Dublin, you have to buy at least 2, right? I have tried to buy a ticket for a seat, but it does not work for 1 ticket... We probably should have bought them together if you were going alone..lol
  3. this is a fkn mess! I got one....but i have no idea what FRONT PITCH STANDING is! the other options were terrible...like sector 508? really?
  4. ,,There arent enough tickets to complete your request" thank you..bye...
  5. it kicked me out...im back in the queue - 3417 people ahead of me again (dublin)
  6. why did I think you wanted to go to Dublin?
  7. Good morning, rise and shine fight! I hope I have a good reason for having a home office today
  8. So if it works, I have an extra code..
  9. Does anyone have another timeslot than 9am?
  10. got another one on my second email.. both for 9am
  11. I have confirmation on both mails 🙈
  12. I think the same thing And now dear sparklejumpropequeen, give me my cooodeeee
  13. ,,Ticket prices range from €89.50 to €166.25, plus a 12.5 per cent service charge per ticket (up to €10.50)"
  14. The email said GMT, so it's UK time...
  15. Sorry, it's definitely me, I always have to choose the most complicated way for everything...ngl, just in case, I have also booked a room in Liverpool Edit: I just found prices for ticket: Ticket prices range from €89.50 to €166.25, plus a 12.5 per cent service charge per ticket (up to €10.50)
  16. Huh??? https://www.ticketmaster.ie/lana-del-rey-tickets/artist/1646704
  17. Good morning Embach I only made it to page 35..nothing special happened 🤭 Lana said in ig comments that "It's my sisters design actually" and that's it 😅
  18. Right between my birthday and my name-day I love may so much ♥️ Also I don't think that this is a real cover..
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