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Everything posted by Leechessoiree

  1. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    oh hell nahhh "to her not allowing me to see my dogs" wtf?? the fact that verde posted bout them all the time is actually crazy..
  2. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    replying to myself, it is actually a real extended snippet. Hopefully the full thing will leak sometime in the next couple of months.
  3. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    anybody know if this extended snippet of mts is real? Creator says monkey sounds are some sort of watermark.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSTKLgjgPdA
  4. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    So real!!! this and magnets
  5. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    Tunnel vision was interesting to say the least. It kinda looks like a just dance background
  6. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    fr, menace to society sounds 1000x better than half of portals.. Just release all of the portals unreleased and skip right to mm4. Nobody wants these low quality mvs anymore
  7. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    1000% agree, with a lot of portals outtakes its clear that she was writing about herself and not about crybaby. Even throughout released portals tracks. (light shower, magnets, etc) really hoping for some more love songs/having portals outtakes on mm4.. Magnets was wayy too good to stay unreleased......
  8. Leechessoiree

    Melanie Martinez

    ok new song leak entirely. Cool, but where tf is menace to society??
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