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Everything posted by Bjorn

  1. Bjorn

    Ethel Cain

    Hi y'all, any chance someone nabbed this lossless solo version of God's Country? The link doesn't work anymore, sadly. I share bigspender's thoughts on both the song itself and our enjoyment of lossless audio wherever we can find it. I also can't think of any reason why it would be specifically taken down on purpose. I scrolled and checked links, no one had it in their lists. If no one can provide a link to download, may I learn why it isn't available anymore? I know why some songs will stay unavailable here out of respect to Hayden but I don't know how it applies with this edit through my catch-up on all pages available. I've been a fan since mid-2022 but didn't know this existed as I'm not really on social media or fan boards like this a whole lot. I also don't quite know how tagging works here, so if anyone could tag bigspender that would also be very appreciated. Thank you so much!
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