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Posts posted by dressedinblack

  1. Holy shit - Sanity still exists?! Well, I've learned something today. No offence to anyone living in the far outer suburbs or large towns, but the fact there don't seem to be any Sanity stores in Melbourne or the inner suburbs doesn't give me too much confidence in their power to influence the charts. And the chain stores are more about selling underwear and cheap shirts than CDs, in general. And I can't see too many independent places caring about Lana.

    sanity is popping bish they have dominance in more regional areas than metro, like sanity is pretty much the music store where i'm from and a bunch of places i've been. i'd say they are pretty equal when it comes to the market. and my local independent store sells everything from gaga to shitty underground stuff from the 50s

  2. MTWBT is killing me in HQ - I love that it sounds nothing like what we expected, but is still amazing.


    On the other hand, I was just in a large JB-HiFi Store here (aka the only company in Australia that still sells CDs), and there was zero promotion anywhere in the store. In fact, there was still some sort of diorama of records that had been featured, and UV was among them, but if I was just a person walking in from the street, I would have no idea that a new record was coming.

    (sanity sells cds still, so does coles, and bigw, and woolworths, and kmart, and target, and independent stores)

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