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Everything posted by robster

  1. tbh i dont interscope has anything to do with lanas music like that, interscope aint gonna tell her she needs make more fast paced and upbeat songs especially because lanas vocalized how lenient the record label has been with her and lana is also known for her diversity in her discography. i agree, nothing is scrapped, maybe reworked but i dont think shes gonna throw it all away. i think were gonna get a summer album release and i hope we get some news soon.
  2. what tea? you've be silent about this album, we already have been abandoned by you tbh plz come home the kids miss you
  3. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlqEZALa0AAB4cC?format=jpg&name=900x900 her hairstylist being in New Orleans this weekend was definitely for lana or i hope so
  4. im contemplating shooting myself im in denial this album is still coming
  5. I wonder if she would drop multiple songs in one day like BB. If we get nothing before stagecoach then i think we should expect her to stay something at stagecoach. Ill be shocked if she just doesn't do anything promoting the album, but surely someone will ask her about the album at stagecoach and she'll be forced to say something.
  6. maybe but i lowkey think that its unlikely, i think its gonna longer actually, i think that ldr11 is gonna come out late 27 maybe early 28
  7. probably, she likes the song and it seems that she wants to release it at some point so theres a good chance she reworked it. i actually think someone said that she did rework it and jack ruined it
  8. i just dont understand why she announces these albums months in advance to just not drop them and stay silent about it. it so unnecessary idk, she must like the harassment and attention she gets about the nonexistent albums. shes funny asf like just delete the post at this point
  9. ummm isnt phoenix a girl?
  10. what is this on, i cant find it. its probably fake but idc im feining for something
  11. Lasso just doesnt sound like a lana album title to me. Honeymoon and Ultraviolence mean something, Lasso is just Lasso.
  12. i dont forgive her for that tbh, i love blue banisters but Rock Candy Sweet, IT EATS SO HARD SHE IS EVIL that title serves so hard, i wanna hear what the track sounded like
  13. jeremys a bitch, he better not be the right person that stays, hes keeping our queen from serving. hes toxic!!!!!!!!! we need to help her!!!!!!!!!
  14. I think everyone too that fenway song and ran with it. I think that snippet was made just for her tour. I doubt we will ever get that song, especially on this album. Im surprised that yall are saying it would fit bc that doesnt seem like the vibes of this album at all imo
  15. Do we really NEED this? They make fuckass songs tg shes wasting a track imo. I declare fake news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Lana deserves to get her laptop stolen again cuz shes bugging, two album announcements with no new music
  17. i personally went through this certain users timeline from the past 6 months and yes its pattern recognition but they were right about some things. they barley gaf about Lana so its not like they are dropping all this crazy false info bc they say very minimal about her. what they said made sense to me and i still think were still gonna get this album this summer. yall acting like this album is never coming and i just think that isnt true.
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