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  1. ppipey liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Charli XCX   
    Since you asked, @@SitarHero.
    The reason I got tired of Marina was a mix of things. Part of it was (I think in retrospect) that I associated her music with a very specific time of my adolescence, and as I grew up and wanted to distance myself from the person I was at that point. So, as I remember @@PrettyBaby mentioning a long time ago, cognitive dissonance is indeed a dear, dear friend of mine. Another part of that is that Marina's music from the first two albums seems to cater (at least in the circles i'm in) to a demographic i do not want to be associated with. And I don't think that I realized that at the time, but whenever I meet someone who says they listen to Marina these days, chances are they fit a certain stereotype. 
    Marina (at least, on her first two albums - i have not listened to the new stuff, and though i think i will eventually, i'm not going to speak for music i haven't heard) and now Charli both seem to me to make music that will one day sound like period pieces. this is true for plenty of songs that make it onto the radio - it's as if they sacrifice their ability to transcend petty trends or fads in order to reach a broader audience. And it's true that time alone can test the longevity of music like theirs - we'll know if it's made it if in twenty years people still refer to theses albums as works of art truly valuable. 
    i know this is a hard claim to qualify - and i don't usually think about it in these terms. i have realized, though, that as a teenager, i go through all kinds of phases. Like Lorde talked about in her debut liner notes, being my age usually means that we change our stances on things very strongly. we love something, and then we hate it; we really care about something or someone, and in a short time might loathe the same person or thing with a burning passion. and i hope that someday i won't be like that - i think that'll come with being an adult. but one way i have tried to combat this is by listening to music that has already entered a canon of acclaim. Which is fitting, for there was a time when all the music I listened to came out within a three-or-so year window. The beauty of the internet, though, is that it allows us to tap into the knowledge of our past clearer than anything before, and gives us the chance to find out about what was en vogue a decade ago with a few clicks of a button. 
    TL;DR: I don't really know. I'm tired, decided to log on and answer this question, and end up ranting about the digital age and the concept of canonization. 
    Love y'all.
  2. ppipey liked a post in a topic by heartbreakhigh in Charli XCX   
    I got my picture disc vinyl today but like every song skips And its not even little skips, it just randomly skips full lines of lyrics. It looks amazing though!

  3. ppipey liked a post in a topic by iseeyouupsidedown in Charli XCX   
    I think this thread has gone beyond charli into a wonderful bond between procrastinators.
  4. ppipey liked a post in a topic by drewby in Charli XCX   
    the entire 14 album
    A Princess Song
    Angry All The Time
    Art Bitch (not a leaked song, but not on an official album)
    Beach Hut in Hawaii (as Save the Rhino)
    Bitch So Sexy
    Cuts Like Diamonds
    Dinosaur Sex!
    Do It Well
    Emelline (same as Art Bitch)
    Fearless (as Save the Rhino)
    Heartbreak High
    I Don't Know Your Name
    I Like You
    I Wanna Be Darth Vader
    I'll Never Know (demo and finished version)
    Jungle Time
    Like A G6 Refix
    Machines 2010
    Too Cool
    Train in Vain
    Wires (Demo)
    X Ray Specs (Tagged)
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