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Posts posted by CobraBubbles

  1. I've been trying click remove picture, I've tried to use internet explorer, I've trying using less than 100x100 :( not working for me ughhhhh


    Importing an URL doesn't work. You have to upload the picture from your memory. Also choose a picture that is smaller than 101x101 and have less than 100 kB space.

    Something else to note is that the photo editor only supports JPEG (JPG), PNG and GIF types.

  2. These videos are graphic, is crazy how out of control the Police in US is. Police brutality exists everywhere but I never saw something like this because THEY NOW they are being filmed. This is the crazy part! Those guys are so sure nothing is going to happen after brutally assault those woman ON CAMERA, inside the police station. Unarmed women in custody! Crazy Cowards. Both white by the way.




    MEGAN!? *pulls her hair* MEGAN, CAN YOU HEAR ME!?


    Judging by the first video, they act like meatheads. No brain, only muscles. I wonder why though. How many US police officers have gone through a war experience? Are they taking anabola steriods or something similar? What's the motivation given to become a police officer? Do they try to live up to what they say? What are the psychical requirements to become a police officer in the US?


    American journalists, if not citizens should start calling those who are responsible to ask questions if not infiltrate the police to see what's wrong.

  3. You might just be genuinely curious and are having trouble expressing it, but please don't invalidate @@comeintomybedroom and their feelings regarding the authorities when you're not black or American. I can't relate myself, but that rubbed me the wrong way.


    Sorry if I'm misinterpreting, but I don't think you can just "believe" that people (innocent are not) are fearful of the police. Sounds a tad bit ignorant and centric in some way or another. 


    comeintomybedroom has mostly called me a "piece of shit", told me that I have "ignorant & stupid opinions". And continuously states that "there's no reason to argue with someone from the internet" by arguing on the internet. :facepalm: Nothing else, really. And I have just asked comeintomybedroom to show any statistics that the people who are joining the riots aren't unemployed and outside the society. There should apparently be many of them?


    I do respect Atom Heart's replies though. I don't mean any harm. I'm not in the forum to get cheap reputation points by picking on people who I believe are racists with one-sided anti-racist thoughts to make myself look like a good person either. I'm here to discuss and perhaps learn something of it. I think I did learn something by Atom's Heart's last post. That's the good part about international communities like these in my opinion, to learn about other countries laws, morals, cultures and so on.

  4. You sound dumb as hell. Racism doesn't occur toward the people that hold more power and are allowed more freedoms around the world (or in this case, America). White people don't have to fear being shot down by police officers on a regular basis, even in the case of terrorists/mass murderers they're told to believe it's due to "mental instability" "being ostracized by society" and aren't called "thugs" "violent" or "troublesome to America".


    I look for more factors to cause an excessive action than just racism. Criminals are bothered with the police presence regardless of their race.

    Your description of reality seem really extreme in my opinion. I don't believe most (innocent) Black Americans are afraid of the police on a regular basis as you describe.


    1. Young black males aren't the only demographic of people rioting/looting stores.

    2. If you look at any point of American history from the 1600's til now, you can see the correlation of Black Americans and the "justice" system. The police system has no valid reason to distrust young black people whatsoever. As a black male, I feel more afraid of the police every time I pass a cop car more than I do anywhere else because I don't want to become a statistic.


    What other demographics are common in this riot? I know they aren't the only one who has done riots in general, but we are talking about this specific event.

    If so many think they are doing right, then why don't the entire city follow their example? Including females, adults, white people, teachers and so on...


    What makes you "more afraid" than usual? Have you personally experienced something or is it the media who portraits the picture of the police hating black people?


    You implied that people only suffer police brutality when they resist. I was merely providing just a few representative counterexamples.


    Well, excuse me for not having a definition of police brutality for every situation.


    Maybe I should include when people are being reported for walking around with weapon-like objects, which the police success to identify when they arrive?



    Yes, because it's an attitude that is literally letting people get away with murder.


    What quote are you referring to?



    I think people should be able to discuss the subject without making racist generalizations.


    The OP spoke about "black people", "white folks" and "racism". So I did the same and put some of my thoughts about it. People must dare to discuss, point out and question things without being afraid of being called a racist.




    - Why are there mostly young black males who are making a riot out of this? Why doesn't other join them? As in young black females, adults and white people?


    - Why is the bond between the American police and Afro Americans so tense? Are people just imagining it? Could both parts have a reason for it?


    I don't seek answers, but I think people should notify this and try to reflect over it instead of ignoring it as there's a norm that it is wrong to have thoughts like these.


    I'm ethnically-wise a mixed race with x4 different nationalities in "my blood", therefore I have always thought it is easier for me to discuss these things. Though I found it easier to discuss about races and racism with black people (including darker in general) than white people. White people usually rejects to discuss such subject because they are afraid of being called racists. Some reacts like you were doing right now. It's quite sad in my opinion. I think the only cure against racism is to talk about it.




    Though I get where the anger is coming from, I don't condone the rioting at all. But neither do I condone the bad actions of the police.


    So that's all you have to say about the riot? It doesn't make any sense to me. Looks really empty. You also suddenly succeed to not see from an one-sided perspective this time as you did about the videos.

    ...Which makes me a bit suspicious if you really are against the riot or not. Because you surely seem to defend them a lot.



    I'm not attempting to "destroy" you. I'm attempting to destroy the arguments you're making and the mindset you're expressing. And I'm absolutely not trying to misconstrue your points. You're either shifting your position or just not expressing yourself well. 


    Well, you don't make a counterargument against a whole opinion. You pick like 1 out of 4 of my sentences and explanations regarding a subject and make a counterargument against some of it, but not as a whole.

    My explanations of how I'm reasoning does obviously not cover up everything, it would take an entire day to make sure that not a single person can misunderstand a message. Also, English is not my native language.




    To be honest, I hate typing. I speak for myself in saying that I see no point in arguing with somebody, about these issues, over the internet, where many resources (ie articles, blog posts, a percentage of evil's posts) are available to show you why your opinion is ignorant.


    < has registered on a forum where you read & write

    < has 3 700 posts.

    < did bother to comment twice.


    The quote you quoted in your previous comment has been explained by people who have participated in such riots. Not this riot though, but a similar. They didn't use the term "thugs" though, that was just me who choose to have it in there with quote marks. What I meant was that they look up to criminals, have them as an image, sees nothing wrong with being a gangster, they simply think it's cool. I think you get what I mean now even if you may disagree.


    Please go a head and link statistics from trustable soruces which proves that they aren't unemployed and outside the community.

    I'm completely convinced that they are, but apparently there are many things that proves otherwise, which makes my "opinion ignorant".




    Every cop is in the line of fire, I respect the police because is not easy to be one. Specially in a country where so many people have legal weapons and you can buy basically any armory you want for a decent price, in another words when a police approaches a suspect the chances of the suspect having some sort of weapon isn't low.



  6. What I tried to say is, if someone hates the police --> shoots some police officer, just because of her profession --> gets arrested. Then the arrested person will may experience some police brutality, perhaps get beaten up in an elevator or something similar once there are no cameras around the place. That's just how it is, regardless of it being right or wrong. If you hate the police, then they may hate you back.


    Maybe I should also mention that my dad has gone through police brutality once and he believes it was due his darker skin & hair colour. Many police officers have said racist things to him. It was quite uncommon with "non-white" people in Sweden back then in the 80's. But I also know for a fact that he has a criminal background and therefore I accept what the police did. My reasoning is that if he weren't a criminal, then I'm sure they wouldn't have done anything to him.


    Having racism as an excuse for everything regarding darker people without searching for other reasons are getting quite tiresome.

    ...I mean, it is not like it would work for white people. I'm sure a lot of people would even deny that you can be racist towards a white person.



    There was a robbery in Sweden in 2012 or so, where a police officer shot one of the robbers in the head on an open street. The robbers turned out to have fake weapons, which made a lot of people cry about how the police officer reacted. I remember a guy who is actually a gangmember who wrote on Facebook about the case, where he also suggested that "the police should strike (stop working) for 2 weeks as a protest. Just to show the society how important their job is. Maybe then people will start appreciating their job for once?"


    I thought it was really remarkable, especially as it was a gangmember who wrote it. I think it's something to have in mind in my opinion.

    Because I sense a lot of hatred towards the police and it seems to be growing due the internet and apply to every country.

  7. ....Wow, Evilentity


    Quite funny how I ended my comment to you by saying that I think you should talk about the topic's subject itself instead of trying to nitpick on how I'm formulating me. Then you went all in to do the exact opposite.

    This doesn't feel like a constructive discussion anymore.


    It's like your comments are an attempt to "destroy" me as they are aimed towards me, rather than the discuss subject itself. And that you consciously mistake what I'm trying to tell.


    I mean, I wrote:

    I know for a fact that police brutality happens, as in unnecessary excessive violence, sometimes for personal reasons. I don't think anyone can deny it. But I think it happens rarely that the person who gets mistreated is complete innocent.


    and your interpretation to it were:

    I think it happens rarely that the woman who gets raped is completely innocent. Classic victim blaming.


    ??? like wtf?


    What I tried to say is, if someone hates the police --> shoots some police officer, just because of her profession --> gets arrested. Then the arrested person will may experience some police brutality, perhaps get beaten up in an elevator or something similar once there are no cameras around the place. That's just how it is, regardless of it being right or wrong. If you hate the police, then they may hate you back.


    Don't bring rape victims and rape in my statements.


    Then you make it sound like I'm supporting a child being shot, but refuse to see it from the viewpoint where the child's response when a police officer aimed at him and yelled "put your hands up in the air", was to walk towards the police officer and reach for a decoy of a weapon around his waist. Did you even check the video you linked?


    Anyhow, I don't feel like continuing to argue about this matter, as I'm sure we won't get anywhere by the look of your response.

  8. False. In several of the recent incidents in the US that have risen to national attention the cops used excessive force immediately upon arriving at the scene. In one case, an innocent black guy was shot precisely because he was following the officer's orders!


    Your first video is about a boy who is being reported to the police of pointing a gun-like object towards people walking in the street. When the police arrive, one of the police officer is pointing a gun at him and most likely shouts out that he has to lay down on the ground or put the hands in the air. The 12 years old boy response is to put his hands in his pockets and seem to pull something up rapidly and then gets shot by the police. How does that prove against my opinion about people getting shot when they struggle or make a threat to the police?


    The second video is an adult who pulls up an air rifle at a store and seems to be waiting for something. The police arrives --> shouts out something to him --> he seems to get scared, seem to turn around towards the police officers in shock, where he also is swinging his rifle a bit and then gets shot. I agree that the police did wrong, I think they should have called for back up and surround the store until the suspect turns him in to the police instead of having x2 police officers walking in with assault rifles(?). But I don't think you can put the responsibility on the police only, but also on the adult suspect. What was he thinking? It should be common sense to get into trouble if you walk around with a weapon-like object in a store.


    The third video is indeed wrong, but the police officer also got fired and charged of what he had done.


    But you reveal a really disturbing mindset that is sadly pervasive: That any minor deviation from complete and immediate submission to police justifies excessive force by the police, whether the police are acting on a correct understanding of the law or not. Civilians are expected to act perfectly, but our sainted police are forgiven almost any sin. That is almost completely backwards from the way it should be. Yes, cops are human, and will occasionally make mistakes, but as the manifestation of the coercive power of the state at the point of contact with the people, it is the police who should be expected to act with near perfection. Police in America have not earned the degree of reverence and deference given them by most of American society.


    First of all, COPS is a notoriously racist and classist show. Second... wow. Let me put this as gently and nicely as I know how. Broad generalizations about race based on anecdote and not evidence like these are basically the definition of racist generalizations. And once again there is almost certainly some unconsciously racist selective memory going on here.


    You seem to take what I wrote really personal and hostile. I know for a fact that police brutality happens, as in unnecessary excessive violence, sometimes for personal reasons. I don't think anyone can deny it. But I think it happens rarely that the person who gets mistreated is complete innocent. That's what I tried to tell and yes, I agree with that the police shouldn't expect citizens to be perfect.


    You talk a lot about how the police should be and I believe everyone agrees with your opinion. So what can the citizens do to make it come true? To start riots, smash police cars, attack police officers, put cars on fire, raid stores where they also take the opportunity to steal from the store - and at the same time expect the police to change? That's what this riot and therefore the topic is about. Which you didn't mention a thing about.


    A lot of Russian citizens have dashcams in their cars, where the main reason is to have evidence to the court when police officers are acting corrupt. That's the main reason which are being said at least. They have the same issue, that police officers are almost always more trustable than regular citizens. It obviously doesn't cover up everything, but I think that's a better way to go.


    I pointed out a few notes about white and black males, based on what I have seen in prank videos and on the TV show COPS. Still tried to relate the subject with US Americans. I also criticized my own thought, saying that I don't know how many clips they are choosing to show and I made it very clear that it may not be fact, but my own thoughts. I think people should be able to discuss the subject, without getting offended and call it generalizations and even racist. I absolutely see no reason to be oversensitive to discuss the matter of something, just because the subject doesn't fit in the morals of political correctness. As long as people aren't insulting each other. 


    But let's imagine for a minute your generalization was true. Do you not think black males would perhaps have some reason to react this way?


    Yes, I do believe they have a reason to act like that and almost think it would be a more common way to react. Maybe not to hit someone with closed fists, but at least get angry and push someone's hands away.

    That's why I wrote:


    Then most white males seem to oddly enough let a stranger with a camera come up to you and touch their beard/nose, whatever.


    Anyhow, I would like if you could give opinions of the riot in general, instead of being nitpicky about the way I may have formulated myself. I sense the feeling that you want to defend their actions as well.



    I think the entire thing is quite laughable. Americans have dozens of huge problems in their society where I believe the only way to solve these issues is for the American people to deal with the issue with their own hands. I can't think of any other country that goes to war as much as the US because of the US politicians have the same hidden agenda regardless of who you vote for. But your society seem to be fine with it, even though it's never the politicians family who go to war, get hurt, get killed. It's the citizens. That would be more of a reason to make riots, which I believe even UN would support once the country gets weakened. Just like they have done to most other countries when they go from strong to weak.



    You're such a bitch tbh. She doesn't have a " really disturbing mindset that is sadly pervasive" maybe the country she lives the police isn't a piece of shit? Have you thought about that? I know the police in my State, the military one, has no respect for anyone, doesn't even matter the social status or skin color. Police brutality is no strange to me because I attended several protests where the police throw pepper gas and shoot with rubber bullets in everyone, even young teens and elderly people....fuck they shot by mistake the owner of a Bank and a judge. Shot journalists , med students, lawyers.... so I can understand that dude running away


    I guess in Sweden shit like this doesn't happen, maybe that's why she doesn't understand why a grown men would run like a gazelle when he saw a police officer or wont understand why those people are so full of rage and enraged


    Well, the topic was about a riot in the US. I highly doubt North America has as much police brutality and corruption (in the police) as South America have.

  9. I'm sorry @mods, but this person is a piece of shit.


    How about coming with counterarguments instead of name-callings? :(


    These types of riots is nothing new and have happened before, here are a few examples: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_French_riotshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_England_riotshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Stockholm_riots


    Where some people who participated in the violence have said that they didn't really care about the case where a person got killed by a police.

    But instead mentioned a few of the factors of the part you quoted from me as an excuse.

  10. By now we should have at least a good amount of videos of the police being brutal to white folks too, but nothing comes up. Is US really that racist?


    Define "white folks". As in non-black? A video I instantly thought of is when a police officer beats up a man in a wheelchair in Duluth, Minnesota and when a police officer throw a woman into a cell. Not sure if you think the guy in the wheelchair is considered as white by everyone though. I'm not really the person who watches police brutality videos unless someone shows me, so I can't really think of any more videos. But pretty much every police brutality has one thing in common. That they struggle against an arrest or do the opposite of what they are being told by a police officer. From what I have seen, it's few times I see white people struggle against whenever a police officer is trying to arrest someone.


    Whenever I watch "prank videos" where someone is touching people physically, maybe tries to touch a male's beard or pick someone's nose. Then most white males seem to oddly enough let a stranger with a camera come up to you and touch their beard/nose, whatever. While most black males seem to tend to get aggressive really quickly and fight back. Not sure how the edit the videos though and how many clips they are actually recording. The same applies to American TV-series like COPS.


    I haven't read much about the case in general except for what you just summed up. I checked some videos earlier on the internet other than that. They kind of reminds me of European football (soccer) hooligans, except for their skin-colour. I checked people's comments and they were like "this is the result of a multicultural society yada yada yada". Perhaps there's some truth in it? I don't know.


    I personally believe they were a bunch of bored, possibly unemployed "thugs" who lives outside the American society and have built up some hatred towards their government and the police for half of their life time and then an event like this came up. Where they felt like they could use someone's death as an excuse to "give back" to the society, especially the police. The thing is that it's the Americans (their parents included) who have to pay for almost everything they destroy, not the politicians. I don't think they will gain nothing by doing this except for attention and a bad reputation.


    I wouldn't be surprised if their government will react like a police state and put up military-like "police" around the place until the riot stops. Perhaps a few people may get shot, but it's the US. So no one will care. If there was another civilized country who did it, then the US would be first to criticize it.


    I have no facts in anything I wrote by the way. I simply just wrote down my thoughts as you wanted

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