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Posts posted by MonsterGod

  1. Let's agree to disagree MonsterGod. Not every video needs to have a strong narrative. The fact that first 2 videos are narrative-free leads me to believe the next one will have one.

    I didnt say anything about the narrative? That was Vertigo. All I wanted was to see her smile, her beautiful eyes, her hair, the flashy costume, her glimmering breasts in full color. It would have been her most colorful and fun video. She made sure that didn't happened.


    you need to get a life.

    That's a sad comeback. Is it because I made you feel ignorant with your dumb comment?

  2. yes because the director doesnt have anything better to do with her time than re-color a whole video for 5 stans.

    Not sure if serious? But the video was actually filmed in color judging by promo shots. B/W is just a cheap filter that you can do with your phone/insta whatever. It's not "artistic" its just lame there's no hype and the video is already forgotten. All we have left is sadness at Lana for abandoning her career and fucking up her video once again.


    We were all excited "OMG shes back with the big budget videos" when we got a first look at the promo with all the hair makeup glitter flowers neon sign models YAY and then she releases a boring black and white video. BYE LANA!

  3. don't get me wrong, i LOVE the video. I think it's her second best (Ride will always be my fave). i just don't understand the black and white. it's not just that it looks terrible when the BTS pics showed how colourful and gorgeous the set was, but also it doesn't fit the song at all for me.

    It's because she always shits on her work and makes clueless decisions to make sure her career become more and more irrelevant. Even now she keeps posting promo shots in colour on fb and insta. I barely watched the video once and im done. The b/w is just too bland. I have no interest to watch it again.

  4. I feel like we wouldn't be as disappointed with the B&W if she hadn't shared those pics of her with pretty glitter on her face and the colorful costume and flowers and shit.

    What a waste of glitter! It doesn't shine in B&W Lana! What's the point? I don't get why it had to be in stupid black and white AGAIN. I wanted to see her beautiful green eyes  :creep: I'm so enraged right now  :willcut: I hope there's a director cut soon.

  5. The promo shots were full of colors and vibrancy but OF COURSE the actual video is a black and white mess. Why bother with hair and make-up and showing us her "crew" with the costumes and shoes if she's going to shit on their work with her bland black and white filters? She could have stayed with her freaking cap on it would have been the same  :facepalm:


    Another disappointment. I feel like she has no clue, no vision just this boring black and white always everywhere. So tired of this shit :crossed:  

  6. Just finished the interview and did she really say she didn't have any "images" for Ultraviolence and that's why there were no videos????  :facepalm: CRUEL WORLD? BROOKLYN BABY? MONEY POWER GLORY? OLD MONEY? Such cinematic songs I have thousands of images in my head when I listen to them  :defeated: How come she was so uninspired for that whole era? (besides the underwater girls that were probably shot for something but then scrapped)


    She said she has lots of fans in Kuwait and Qatar...receipts please? How is she doing on iTunes there?  :flutter:  

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