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Posts posted by MonsterGod

  1. I love the footage during Brooklyn Baby teaser when she's against the rock at 1:33. Was that a photoshoot or something? She looked so good. The whole UV era had so much wasted potential. Remember she also did something with James Franco and Chuck for a "project" but nothing ever came out about this (maybe that Flip Side book but blah) 



    In the "Freak" footage she has the same fingernails as the rolling stone cover last year...







  2. if the original uv video was about the jonestown massacre as some of you say, i can totally see why her label scrapped it


    I hope one day we get the full story, Maybe that's why she didn't promote UV after the iPhone video came out cuz she was so pissed her original idea was scrapped. Anyway, she looks stunning as this "cult leader" and it would be a shame for this footage to go to waste  :facepalm: I would follow her to the pits of hell smiling  :hdu:

  3. Just listened to Honeymoon in HQ and it does sound a little better but it's pretty much the same thing. Definitely her weakest opening track, Cruel World and Born to Die still kill me every time the CD start  :cumming2:  I still listen to them on repeat. I see myself skipping Honeymoon after awhile :crossed:      


    FFN_Del_Rey_Lana_FLYNETUK_031213_5103601guys...its so close...keep it togetha


    LMAO I thought it was a fake pic, I had to google search this  :lmao:  where did she find this mess  :facepalm:  looks like a teletubbies costume  :deadbanana:

  4. Lol I could already tell

    Why retouch perfection? Her face is still full of makeup tho  :hooker: . I know people used to say she had a nose job because of that small gap underneath but she always had that even in her old pics and her dad seems to have the same. He got surgery too?  :facepalm:


    people with taste, people with actual diverse interest will very much find her.

    I guess by word of mouth but that's not enough today  :crossed:

  5. I'm not here for promo tbh, i'm happy with her being a niche act, and the account + hotline are for fans really. I just thought it was cute and spot on since she doesn't really like to get in touch with the press and all that stuff. It's the perfect mean for her to give out all that she wants to, when whe wants, to the people who are interested, while keeping her ldr mÿstierius image. I just don't get why she's giving up on some of her ideas, it's kind of incoherent and kills the excitment. She's still having these pop star moments with magazines cover etc while claiming that she wants to be left alone, so I don't know what's her idea on that.


    What makes me sad is that other people will not discover her incredible music because she's so low-profile now. The Honeymoon era is for her fans only, no one else seems to care  :defeated:


    I agree with both of these. Although I love UV and I think it really did prove she her musical capability and ability to cross into new styles while still having her signature sound and being unique, nothing yet has topped the BTD era for me. BTD had better standout songs while UV had a better album overall. BTD had better lyrics. I liked her style better in BTD (the 50s/60s glamour looks, for example this photoshoot). And most of all, BTD had much much much better videos. That's really the thing I miss most from Lana. Her videos from BTD were really so phenomenal, combining aesthetic, storyline, great editing, great cinematography, fitting for the songs. Yes I like her home videos too. But even her home video for Video Games was a million times better than the home videos she's been giving us lately. Now, I'm not even caring much for the Honeymoon songs we've heard so far. Can only hope it'll somehow to turn out to be as great as BTD or UV musically to me, or maybe even an era as great as BTD. But I don't think BTD will be able to be topped for me as a whole.


    I agree with this but that Lana is gone forever. Most artists start really small and then they get bigger, more budget, bigger projects etc but for Lana it was the other way around. She started HUGE, huge marketing, big videos, short films, expensive photoshoots and she was SO successful. Now she's lucky if she gets 1 cameraman and maybe 1 or 2 extras. She's mostly by herself in her videos now.


    It's her choice tho. We, as fans, enjoyed it but she wasn't enjoying any of it and it made her miserable. She's doing her own thing now and I guess the record label is not willing to invest. I'm glad we're still getting new music  :flutter:

  7. She said in the Beat1 interview that she reads the comments for about a week so I'm not making this up lol She knows what's up.  :hooker:


    it's not boring, it's beautiful  :creep: I highly doubt Lana would change something because someone didn't like it.


    You don't understand how important Lana's music is to me. She's all I listen to, on repeat constantly. I have multiple playlists and it hurts me to say that I already skip Honeymoon and I barely listen to HBTB anymore, it's just so basic. It's good but it's missing that unique magic touch she had before and it's even more obvious when they start playing in the middle of her other material. I had "Afraid" "Honeymoon" and then "Burning Desire" and I think Afraid (an unreleased demo) and Burning Desire (bonus extra track) are still way more interesting even after hearing them hundreds of times :toofunny: then "Hollywood" starts and it shits on the 3 tracks we heard ("I was BUILD to last" no skipping!). There's nothing going in Honeymoon and the beat in HBTB is barely there, it's forgettable. I blame Rick because her vocals are better than ever. 


    off-topic Anyone know where we can find official Lana Del Rey merchandise? I'm looking for a T-Shirt that was for sale during the Endless Summer tour. PLEASE!!!

  8. I have a theory. I've also been drinking tonight, but I still have a theory. The reason Honeymoon isn't up with the pre-order or streaming anywhere or existing in anyplace but you tube is because it's not the same Honeymoon on the album. Maybe the words or the mix are different, but in true lynchian  :toofunny: fashion, she's playing mind games with us and steering us the wrong way. 


    Gonna go have some more wine now.


    I thought the same thing. Maybe she read the comments about how boring it sounds so she added a small drum beat or something because right now it's an acapella demo track

  9. I still love Ultraviolence the best and if she were to revisit a concept or musical style, I would rather it be the live-sounding psychedelic rock Auerbach production.


    I feel the production on Honeymoon so far is really weak. On HM, there isn't enough percussion and you can't really stay alert through 6 minutes of mostly strings and piano and the verses are far too monotonous. On HBTB, I love the trap influenced beat but think it could be more prominent. I think the production for the bridge of TLY is pretty much perfect but is somewhat generic for the rest of the song. I also dislike the jarring layering of her voice at the part where she sings "And I still get trashed..." (also dark blue dark blue). Overall, of the songs so far, the melodies are ok(HM verses/HBTB chorus) to good (HM chorus/HBTB verses) to brilliant (HM bridge/TLY bridge) but the production is uninspired. I had heard great things about Rick Nowels.


    Though Emiles production is divisive, Born To Die wouldn't be the record it is without it. The samples and hip hop elements juxtaposed with the orchestral elements really made the songs unique and amazing. Ultraviolence production was a symphony of layered rock sounds with guitars and heavy drums (while being varied, eg Old Money, FMWUTTT) and it was one of the areas where critics applauded. However, production for this album is worrying. Although Lanas voice is powerfully beautiful, the songs released so far suffer from there not being great instrumentation to complement it. Sometimes I like to listen to the instrumentals of songs from BTD/UV. I don't see myself particularly wanting to listen to the instrumentals of the songs released so far.


    OMG this post is THE truth, I agree 100%. The production of the 3 tracks we heard is so lackluster. There's no hook, it doesn't grab you. It's like Rick and that other guy are trying to make a "jazzy" sound and then a "trap beat" but they don't have enough experience with those genre so it sounds so basic. Where are the Mark Ronson tracks? They had 10 songs MONTHS ago. She scrapped them already? Rick is good to make demos but then she has work with someone else for the final product. 


    I'm still amazed at the beat of stuff like Blue Jeans and I listen to everyday. In fact, I went out with my friends today and we were blasting Off to the races, Blue Jeans and Born to Die at full bass in the car and it still sounded so HOT (I usually listen to it on my phone with headphones).  :glasses:

  10. Lmao bitch isn't gonna release anything soon, she's at Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo's wedding in Italy. Dont have english links tho.

    Here it is http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3182456/Europe-s-royal-rich-famous-Lana-Del-Rey-celebrate-second-wedding-Beatrice-Borromeo-Pierre-Casiraghi-secluded-Italian-castle-owned-family-bride.html


    Guess she's not working on Honeymoon in Europe like we thought. Oh well at least she looks gorgeous and happy

  11. I love it but it's true that you have to listen to it several times to fully appreciate it since it's so slow at first. You really have to be in the mood  :flutter: Sounds like "Wait for Life".


    I was hoping for something a little bit more alive like Ride or Born to Die (the song), these songs too are kinda slow with not much going on but they have that EPIC feel that only Lana can do  :legend:

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