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Everything posted by alskdjfhgqpwoeiruty

  1. http://genius.com/Sky-ferreira-pretty-dull-lyrics tried to get as much of this right as I could from the live audio
  2. Making full soon because I'm tired of waiting for the real thing https://soundcloud.com/mike-salerno/go-home-cover-preview
  3. is this real??? apparently wild at heart lyrics on last.fm . . . .
  4. that doesn't sound like her at all.
  5. thank you for blessing us with this info adding it to the ghost ep now
  6. she is seriously so problematic sometimes... "It wouldn’t be a release from me if it wasn’t delayed"
  7. Is there any possibility of her releasing One Man Show?
  8. Organizing things- Is this a somewhat appropriate tracklist? (given we only have some tracks from what would have been Wild At Heart) http://postimg.org/image/qnhsb3xrn/
  9. do a karaoke to this flawless bop https://soundcloud.com/mike-salerno/hot-chick-karaoke
  10. holy shit I just logged on WTF? I honestly had no clue this was some other singer. I got fucking scammed by this person on soundcloud who had Hannas song. http://imgur.com/DL2qswv
  11. Alright yah'll enjoy hope we all love each other or whatever (and I really hope this is Sky singing) https://www.dropbox.com/s/g70w7ki9hi3ubxd/Amplified.mp3?dl=0
  12. I never said I definitely know if it's Sky or not. I saw people on here talking about and looking for the full version of this song, so I'm letting you know I have it. For gods sake... I feel so attacked on this thread and I'm genuinely just trying to help and offer something to you all.
  13. http://yooying.com/p/986569562730868195_25359682 http://yooying.com/p/986570080677080563_25359682 If it's against the rules to tell you I have it then whatever, but I do. Not trolling.
  14. I have the full final version of "Amplified" if anyone wants to trade.
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